American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

10-year Club Anniversary - Ideas?
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Author:  dmallory [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  10-year Club Anniversary - Ideas?

Officers of the Club,

General Hartwig noticed and reported to the Cabinet that this May the club will celebrate its ten year anniversary. It seems fitting that we celebrate the occasion.

The first idea that came to my mind was to hold a Blue-Gray tournament. The way I would see it this shin-dig would be a single round of 1-on-1 battles between officers of the two sides. There would be no individual winner, but the side with the most wins (or total points?) would be declared the winner.

Of course, as with any tournament there are logistical issues that would need to be worked out. We would need to decide on whether to use a stock scenario 'from the box' or enlist the efforts of one (or more) of our dedicated scenario designers to come up with a special Blue-Gray Tournament scenario. I would expect we would need a rather short scenario (30 turns max, probably shorter). We would need at least two or three different scenarios, to accomodate the many who don't own every game (probably at least one from both series, BG and HPS). How to pair combatants would also need to be decided.

As I said, though, this was just my first thought. The Cabinet has discussed this and decided to solicit input from you on what you think would make a fitting celebration of ten years of clobbering each other [:)].

What do you think, gentlemen?

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, 3/2/I/AotM (Club President & Cabinet Member)
CCC - Ensign, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Department, Colonial American Army

Author:  Rich Hamilton [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Seems fitting to me to celebrate in person at Tiller Con II - where you can play a tourney, MP games, have a few drinks together and spend a few hours chatting about the good times you have had!!


LGen. Hamilton
II Corps

Author:  tciampa [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Sir! Great idea from my standpoint though new to the club and green so I would hope that maybe it might work out to match up relative newbie to newbie or at least close to such...I hesitate to say "What does it matter, it is the participating that counts" as my comrades in the Union would say that it sure as hellfire DOES count. I would guess that there is more to Patton's views on winning v.s. losing in the club than not [:)]

It us somehow also my understanding that from time to time members of the club in the past have gotten together to actually meet in areas more or less local to each other. And there is the Tiller Convention...Kansas is pretty far from New Yawk State. For some of us travel for any distance is not possible or practical. Be nice if there was some way that fellows in different regions of the country might meet... say a one day trip away at some a New England 10th anniversary meeting or by indivial state. There seem to be many many players in the Atlantic Middle area around DC and Virginia, and certainly in areas of the south. Not practical perhaps...arrangements and such. I guess I am thinking of just picking a Holiday Inn somewhere central to a region or state and using their parking lot and restaurant for a convenient rendezvous and an afternoon of food, drink and gabbing. Wouldn't be a proper universal 10th celebration/meeting but it would at least put a few of the human beings in the club together in person. My apologies if this concept may have been brought up in the past. Once again, I have to plead too "Newbie" to know.

Thanks for listening.

Lt.Tom Ciampa
Not yet assigned a unit

Author:  dalelast [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:11 am ]
Post subject: 

10 years? That is quite an achievement. Kudos to those who have kept this organization afloat throughout the last decade. Drinks for all, even the Rebs.

Just curious, how many 10 year vets do we have?

Brigadier General Dale Lastowicka
1st "Adirondack" Division
XXV Corps
Army of the James

Author:  Rich Hamilton [ Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

March will be my 9th year, though the last couple haven't been too active here.

LGen. Hamilton
II Corps

Author:  Antony Barlow [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

A tournament is a good idea. We should mark the anniversary is some way.

In March I'll have been in the club 8 years.[8D]

[url=""]General Antony Barlow[/url]
[url=""]XO, Army of the Cumberland[/url]

Author:  Bonemash [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I am also a newcomer to the club and travel from the United Kingdom to USA is out of the question at this time, but I would like to feel that I am participating in helping the club to live and thrive.

I support a Tournament of some kind, as this gives every member a chance to show past and present support.

May we have many more years still to come.

Colonel Edward Stewart
2nd Brig, 3rd Div,
III Corps, ANV

Author:  WTisdale [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Gentlemen: <salute>

I too would like to see some type of Tournament. Being a Law Enforcement Officer it is sometimes tough on me to get off of work and do what I really would like to do - visit all the Battle Fields.

I would like to see a tournament with a ribbon given to all members that participated in the play and then a Medal to the winning Army members that played.

Willie Tisdale
"The Gray Fox"
Brig. General
Pee Dee Division
/2/II - ANV - CSA
VMI Adjutant / Instructor

Author:  dmallory [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 


Okay, if a tournament is the way to go we're going to need some volunteers. Anyone who has run a tournament knows they don't run themselves. We would need a Tournament Coordinator/Gamemaster to oversee the thing, a Scorekeeper to keep track of who is ahead (could be the same as the Coordinator), a Medal Designer, and -- if custom scenarios are to be used -- one (or more) scenario designers. There may be other positions that would or could be needed.

Someone will have to solicit and collect names of participants and match participants from the two sides.

So who is willing to volunteer to help? (Speak up here or send me a courier.)

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General, 3/2/I/AotM (Club President & Cabinet Member)
CCC - Ensign, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Department, Colonial American Army

Author:  WTisdale [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Sir: <salute>

I always stand ready to help in any way that I can. I don't have the experience to do some of the things that you have requested but I can study the points rating and complied the veteran players vs veteran players and newbies to newbies.

"Someone will have to solicit and collect names of participants and match participants from the two sides."

If this will help, I am you man.

Willie Tisdale
"The Gray Fox"
Brig. General
Pee Dee Division
/2/II - ANV - CSA
VMI Adjutant / Instructor

Author:  Dwight McBride [ Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Would it be out of the question to have a live feed---for certain selected events such as Mr Tiller's appearance---from TillerConII? . . . I am one of those who doesn't have the ability to consider attending, but would love to see some of the 'goings-on.' . . . Also, re the 10th Anniversary, how about a well-publicized open chat-room, where we could drop in for a few minutes and ask questions of special guests, or just say a literal "hello" to each other?

Just thinking out loud. I'm sure there's lots of other/better ideas, but I like to "kitchen sink" sometimes, if you recognize the phraseology!

Brig Gen Dwight McBride
1st Brigade ("The Regulars")
2nd Division/V Corps/AOP/USA

Author:  krmiller_usa [ Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I discovered the ACWGC in Nov '99 making this my 8th year here. Served under several of those who were around when the club was formed and have been fortunate enough to meet a few of them at the get togethers over the years.

I think a tourney is a good idea, count me in as a partcipant. Gen Mallory, I'll contact you via email.

Gen. Ken Miller


Army of the Shenandoah

Author:  pierred [ Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:34 am ]
Post subject: 

The 10th Anniversary is a monumental event. How many clubs on the internet or otherwise have lasted 10 years? A reason to create a special celebration.

There are some gatherings being organized in the East this summer by Notso and others which coule be combined to develop a multifaceted event. These could be good club sponsored events and add on to the 10th celebrations. A combination of face to face, video, video conferencing, and virtual gaming would be outstanding. Why not a summer long event?

The Tiller Con II is good but is hampered by being away from the mainstream available US/Canada East membership concentration (What about a video feed/Cam of Tiller CON II Richard? A great idea to promote, promote, promote HPS). Tiller Con can be part of a multi facet celebration which can include European and other area participation during the same period. This is a world wide club. Chat rooms, video feed and all the technologies available can add to the celebration and not require same room face to face participation. All it needs is some savvy organizers such as what made and created the 1997 ACWGC club. Any motivated volunteers of said expertise to help out? I am willing to participate. There are a few months available to get it organized.

Best Regards,

General Pierre D.
1st Bde, 3rd Div,I Corps
Army of Georgia, CSA

ACWGC President
1997- Oct. 2006

Author:  David Danner [ Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:30 am ]
Post subject: 

General Mallory:

I attempted to organize an Army wide Tournament two years ago. I will forward to your tent some of the ideas I had then for your review.

L Gen Dave Danner
Army Commander
Army of the Cumberland

Author:  Scott Ludwig [ Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Quite an accomplishment!! [:)] I look forward to the celebrations....


<b>Lieutenant General Scott "The Mad Prussian" Ludwig</b>
Commanding Officer, Western Theater, CSA
"The Army Commissary" and "The Traveling Blowhard of Virginia"
Retired ANV Commander 2004-06

[url=""]Napoleonic Wargaming - INWC[/url]</center>

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