American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Windows Vista problem
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Author:  manumuskin [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Windows Vista problem

I have run into a dilemma.I am in the middle of a full campaign and I saw fit to buy a new computer.This machine has vista instead of xp which I did have.I can play the game but when I attempt to attach the cpf file I get a message that says the file does not exist even though I'm looking at it.The file has an odd design to it though which seems to say something is wrong with it.I cannot go back to xp because this would ruin the tv tuner/dvd and cd burner and a host of other things that vista was designed to perform.Unfortunately vista wasn't designed with hps cpf files in mind.Can anyone help me?I am at a loss what to do.I was just about to lock up with the yankee army and instead have received a terrible butt whoopin at the hands of Bill Gates.
I eagerly await help from either side.Is their a computer wizard out there who can git my rebel butt back in action?

Lieutenant Colonel
Alfred Shumate
Army of Georgia
2nd Corps
3rd Division
4th Brigade

Author:  Dirk Gross [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not sure I can help you. I was running an HPS campaign in Vista 32, and just upgraded my computer and I'm running the same campaign in Vista 64. I don't think your problem is caused by Vista. I am running the BG games in MS Virtual PC 2007 on XP Pro just fine. They won't work at all on Vista. HPS does though.

Here's a tip. DO NOT install your games in Program Files. Create a directory, say, GAMES, and install your HPS games there (heck, install ALL your games there). I bet your problem goes away. Vista protects files and programs in certain directories like Program Files, and some games can't handle that. New games that are specifically Vista compliant would probably work fine.

Lt. General Dirk Gross
XIV Corps/AoC


Author:  boilertech [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

They have info over at the HPS site with fixes for Vista problems.

Maj. Gen. Gery Bastiani
III Corps Pender/Scales Corp

"If there is a shell or bullet over there destined for us, it will find us" - General James Longstreet

Author:  manumuskin [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey thanks guys it worked!I had to create my own installation file and I also downloaded the file from hps vista fix page and together they did it.I'm back in buisness.
Thanks again,

Lieutenant Colonel
Alfred Shumate
Army of Georgia
2nd Corps
3rd Division
4th Brigade

Author:  manumuskin [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok now I have a new problem.I can now send the files but I cannot open them.when I try to replay the turn i get an error message that tells me that their was a failure to read from replay.Any ideas here?My mens fatigue should decrease vastly.They haven't been able to move in a week now;-).please help!

Alfred Shumate
Army of Georgia
2nd Corps
3rd Division
4th Brigade

Author:  manumuskin [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok all is solved.I forgot to update the game again after uninstalling and reinstalling the game in another folder.i downloaded the update and ran it and am now fully functional.i figured that part out myself but once again for help with the earlier issue.

Alfred Shumate
Army of Georgia
2nd Corps
3rd Division
4th Brigade

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