American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

The full Kaboodle!
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Author:  Digglyda [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  The full Kaboodle!

Despite my frequent moaning that would suggest the opposite [:(!]...I AM a great fan of these games we play and despite any misgivings, it HAS been my intention to eventually get hold of all the games (Well, not ALL the HPS titles [:0]...just the ACW campaign ones!) and today I finally ordered the last 3 (Chancellorsville, Franklin & Vicksburg) from NWS online to give me the full collection of 11. My finger was poised on the mouse button to "confirm purchase" for about an hour...but I couldn't help it and my pathetic attempts at resistance crumpled in the face of temptation. [xx(][V]
I really don't want to hear that HPS will be releasing Campaign "New York draft riots"...or Campaign "Gen. Hood gets kicked by his Horse" anytime soon and would greatly appreciate it if you would all endeavour to keep any news of the next release from me...I would be much obliged. [:D]

Brigadier-General Jim Wilkes.
2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, XX Corps.
AoC. U.S.A.

Author:  Joe Meyer [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

There, you see, Jim! It wasn't such a painful thing to do afterall, was it?

I will update your Ordnance file immediately!

Maj. Gen. Jos. C. Meyer
Second Division, 14th Corps,
Army of the Cumberland


Author:  laubster22 [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 


Congrats on a finally achieving a full weapons load!

This is great news indeed! Murphy's Law states that we'll have a new game released on Friday October 2nd just because of you![:D]

Keeping my fingers crossed for you![;)]


General Jeff Laub
Union Chief of the Army
ACWGC Cabinet Member

Author:  draganfly [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:33 am ]
Post subject: 

You have send shivers up and down my spine......After we finish the game we are presently in.....There are a few good choices for us to play on your brand new shiney discs....You have just made a reb real happy.......

Gen. JOhn Dragan AoA

Author:  NickT65 [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

General Wilkes,
"Campaign New York Draft Riots"
that was priceless.
I think they should include with that one: "Campaign Richmond Bread Riots" (dibs on the mob of angry women!)

Lt. Col. Nick DeStefano
"Morgan's Kentucky Wolf-Pack Bde"

Author:  Digglyda [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:13 am ]
Post subject: 

They're here...they're here! [:D] The postman has just squeezed them through the letterbox. Installing now...patches all pre-downloaded and ready to go. Additional music files as per my usual set-up...'Tweak' all the graphics to get them looking just how I like them to look (If I can remember what goes where)...

...and I've already got a challenge to a scenario on Chancellorsville waiting for my attention!

Brigadier-General Jim Wilkes.
2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, XX Corps.
AoC. U.S.A.

Author:  Jefferson H. Davis [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was looking forward to whupping the damn Yankee AI withthose draft rioters (After all it would have been a more even match since the draft rioters were Yankees too.....I think it would be one hell of a running contest......As for General Hood's horse, well since he was a Southern horse, I know it wouldn't even be a challenge to whup the Yankees with him......

BG Hank Smith
Army of Georgia
Smith's Corp Commanding

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