American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

The Joy of History
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Author:  Blake [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  The Joy of History

Its always fun to read about the Civil War for so many different reasons. It seems there will forever be an endless number of books for us to read and enjoy on numerous Civil War topics from medicine and song-writing to battles and gunnery. Yet again I found an amusing anecdote in a history I just completed today that I had not heard before.

Simon Buckner, responding to criticism by Governor Beckham of Kentucky in the early 1900s about his generalship at Fort Donelson, replied, "The Confederate government... saw fit to promote me to a higher grade for what, they supposed, was my proper action on that occasion. You evidently dissent from their judgment. If your infantile prattlings could have reached the ears of the Confederate authorities, they might, perhaps, have saved them from the commission of this error. But, unfortunately, you were not then born; nor had flaming comet or other miraculous messages informed the world of your approaching advent and the wisdom which would then enlighten it."

Ah, here is to History and all the joys and little pleasures it gives us! Well, usually... depending on what your views are of the subject of course :wink:

Author:  Drex [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Joy of History

Ah, the joy of clever repartee as only a 19th century gentlemen could deliver. Alas, it is an art that has been ,if not lost, then sadly neglected.

Author:  Cruces [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Joy of History

Buckner had two really bad Generals with him at the Fort. Pillow and Floyd were contemptible in their actions, leaving Simon with the task of surrendering. Blake, I am sure you would have been Buckner in that case.

MG Elkin
3rd Div (2nd Cav)/XVIth Corp

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