American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Your Best Opponent?
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Author:  slepsta [ Sat Jun 11, 2005 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Your Best Opponent?

Ok Gentlemen,

Let's put our egos aside for just a moment and tell the stories of our toughest opponent(s). I have not played against too many Union officers thus far, but from those that I have played, Gen. Jeff Laub, AoP wins. He handled me at Antietam and routed me at 1st Bull Run and we are now engaged in a Corinth campaign.

The best player I've faced in my short time here is the man who taught me at VMI, Gen. Ian Rousell, Western Theatre. Ian showed me how professors fight in the scenario BGG "A Rock and a Hard Place," as well as some other games. Ah, remember how green we were the first time playing REAL officers and not the computer AI? Or was that just me!? [:p]

Fld. Lt. Brad Slepetz
4th "Hell's Rifles" Brigade
1st Division
III Corps

Author:  D.S. Walter [ Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

We did something like this before ... ... IC_ID=4601

I found it an interesting idea.

Since I am still playing more or less the same guys, I have not much to add to what I said back then. Except maybe that, if I can include Federal officers, Mike Tomlin whom I have played many times in maneuver games from my first day in the club would be very high up on my list. A superb operational thinker and very effective tactician who whips me every time. [8)]

Gen. Walter, USA
AoS / War College

Author:  draganfly [ Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fld. Lt., I also agree that Jeff Laub is one tough cookie.....I think he uses our games as training tactics for the navy seals under his command......He is one fine outstanding kind gentleman....And a good friend....One final attribute that he has is after he shoots you he comes over to your side to administer first he can shoot you again.....My old gray coat has many holes in it........

Maj. Gen. John Dragan 2/II AoA

Author:  greenFyre [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:38 am ]
Post subject: 


Interesting. I would distinguish between "best" and "toughest".

My "best" opponents are reliable, adhering to our agreed schedule or advising me when real life means that is not possible. They are gentlemen in the best sense (regardless of gender), gracious in victory or defeat. They are sociable, usually including a little real life or game/club talk in with the move.

From a game perspective, in sticky or questionable situations they negotiate a ruling that is reasonable regardless of who it favours. Ideally they make me really fight for a victory, or have me believing I might salvage a minor defeat or even a draw from a catastrophe.

I am happy to report that to date I have met quite a few "best" opponents among the grey ranks <salute>, and too many who are both "best" AND "tough" [;)].

Maj Gen Mike Kaulbars Image
3rd "Freiheit" Division


Author:  Doug Burke [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Best?? Have to go with Garry Cope. I believe he's no longer active but a real gentleman with a good sense of humor. A lot of banter which I like.

Worst?? A coupla guys over the years I've gone 60 turns with and all I got back was 60 "Your go". These guys made the AI's personality look like Drew Carry's.

Gen. Doug Burke

Author:  Joe Mishurda [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:55 am ]
Post subject: 


Well that is a hard question, I have been beaten by so many....But the opponent that stands out is the one who beat me twice at Campaign Corinth, even after I stop playing with the isolation rule. Gen Larry Bertolino a real master at putting his men and cannon on the firing line. I ended up with a two to one casuality loss. He refused to charge my well prepared defensive line and instead out manuevered me at Jackson. Sir, My hat is off to you.......

BG Joseph C. Mishurda

Joe Mishurda, The Cast Iron Division
2nd Div. XXV Corp, AoJ

Author:  ALynn [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:57 am ]
Post subject: 

From the handful of Yanks I've played, I might agree that Jeff Laub is quite possibly one of the best. He has a very sound handle on the games and how they work, and doesn't seem to make many mistakes (darn it!).

From the Rebs, while I've not played many maneuvers, I am currently squaring off in a mirror match vs. BGen Ken Whitehead, and that experience combined with his unbelievable record is enough to convince me he's pretty darn good. [8D] I'm still gonna whip him along the Chickahominy, though, lol. [B)]

Lt. Col. Alan Lynn
3rd Battery "Jacksonville Greys"
4th Div, II Corps, AoA
God bless <><

Author:  slepsta [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kudos to General Kaulbars for distinguising between best and toughest. Indeed, I place both General Rousell and General Laub at the top of both categories. [:D]

Fld. Lt. Brad Slepetz
4th "Hell's Rifles" Brigade
1st Division
III Corps

Author:  Antony Barlow [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I've played many tough, capable and honourable opponents. I'd have to give special mention to David Kerns of the AoG as I've played him 19 times out of my total of 49 battles. As we both progressed through the ranks we always seemed to provide a tough challenge for each other and we've had some great contests.

General Antony Barlow
Army of the Cumberland

Author:  Chris Cross [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:07 am ]
Post subject: 

For me my best opponent has been Dean Beacham. I love fighting against him. He likes to do a little smack talking and that makes it a lot of fun. I enjoy getting my butt kicked against him. Although, I am just in the first battle of a campaign against Frank Mullins and I enjoy his smack talk too. This campaign seems like it will be a lot of fun. I am still thinking about the toughest as I have gotten my butt kicked quite a bit. I may just have to go with a toughest army on this one.

As for the rebs, the maneuver I had with Den McBride was the best thing that has happened to me. I actually managed to win a few after that.

Maj. Gen. Chris Cross
Chief of Staff, CSA

Author:  dmallory [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Lt. Slepetz,

Always a good question, even if it has been discussed before.

Even after all this time, I'd still have to say my toughest opponent was my first -- Stacey Jemay, the famed "Gal in Blue", just because I had not been aware to that point of the ferociousness that could be unleashed through these games. (In my early days, I thought if I could whip the A/I, I could whip the world.) Other opponents have matched her since then, but those first impressions are will forever remain etched in my mind [B)] !) While she and I continued to 'dance', she fought other battles, whipping most comers. (She confided to me that Garry Cope had beat her, but that was in the short 'First Encounter' scenario at Gettysburg in which the results of a single melee can throw the game one way or the other.) I must admit it salved my ego a bit to know she was knocking other Rebs off left and right, as well, and when I finally learned enough to beat her, I thought I had earned the CSA's highest medal!

Your humble servant,
LGen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - Lieutenant General, Chief of the Armies, Confederate States of America
CCC - Sergeant, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Deaprtment, Colonial American Army

Author:  laubster22 [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ahh, flattery will get you everywhere.[:I] Except on the battlefield![:D]

Brad, Alan, and John all fit the bill of the "best" opponents I've played, along with several other Rebs along the way, past and present, including Rob Field, Bill Goodman, Dave Bowman, Brett Schulte, Sean Turner, Gery Bastiani and Bill Peters. Good friends one and all![:D]

As for toughest, you saw my post on thanks to the Rebel officers who helped me get these 4 stars, and I've been beaten soundly a number of times, and been given all I could handle several more by those fine officers on that list. The one person I haven't beat in a handful of tries is MG Sean Turner. I'm still trying as we speak, but once again losing at Pea Ridge this time. He was also my first opponent, and opened my eyes to what level the games are played at. If I didn't know better, I'd say he has God on his side (in case you didn't know, Sean is a Bishop...)[:D] Rob Field, Bill Peters, and Alan Lynn, (darn him) all scare me to death. They're SNEAKY, and darn good.[:p]

Brad, if it's any consolation, MG Turner whupped me far worse at First Bull Run...[B)]

General Jeff Laub
Army of the Potomac

Author:  slepsta [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 


That only makes me feel worse that I put in such a poor showing. I think I want a rematch [:0]

Fld. Lt. Brad Slepetz
4th "Hell's Rifles" Brigade
1st Division
III Corps

Author:  boilertech [ Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've only been in the Club for almost a year, and have played nothing but Generals and have gotten my clocked cleaned by Jeff Laub, Micheal Bush, Jeff Bangma, Mark Nelms, Dale Lastowicka, and Gary McClellan and part of the fun is the tawting back and forth. Even the raids into them dumps [:p] them Yankees call saloons. Seen better places in Beirut when I was over there in 1984 when I was in the Seabees[;)

Respectfully [:p],

Major Gery Bastiani
Fightin' Carolinians
4/2/II AotM CSA

Author:  Banshee [ Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are a number of really good players sprinkled throughout these postings, that I have played in manuevers or battles. I've been around for five years (off and on, Dierk) and I've played a lot of games. I've beaten them and lost to them (gotten beaten up is a better way to describe it). Walter, Nelms, Ian. But there are two with whom I have a most difficult time. One I'm playing now, as I develop my skills in the HPS system, Frank Mullins. Good on both offense and defense, keeps me on my toes. The other is, in my humble opinion, probably the best defensive player I've ever gone against. I may never beat this guy without sneaking into his house to break his right mouse button. Joe Pascucci.

LtG. J. Cuneo, CSA
III Corps, AoA
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