American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Reb Wanted for Shiloh, 1BR, 2BR, or Antietam
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Author:  nsimms [ Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Reb Wanted for Shiloh, 1BR, 2BR, or Antietam

I've been whipped real good at BGS04h recently and thus I've got to try it again. I didn't learn anything from my first whipping other than how to say "Uncle" while drowning in the Tennessee River. I'll play either BGS04h or BGS04 - both being full battles. All options on and no departure of units from the map except thru elimination. I'm only looking for one opponent and it sure as heck won't be Gen Jim Thomas at Shiloh (No, sirree. I may not have much sense but I ain't quite that sinile - yet). My file return rate can vary from "He couldn't have opened this file already" to "What the heck happened to him".

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

Author:  Lawrence Bertolino [ Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

do you want to play the HPS conversion of the game, or do you want to play the BGS version?

LTG L. G. Bertolino
The Pelican State Brigade
Commander, Bishop's Corps, AotM

Author:  nsimms [ Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

BGS version please. I'm waiting on the next great ACW campaign from HPS and so - at the moment - I'm lingering in the TS BG series.

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

Author:  nsimms [ Thu Jun 17, 2004 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

This Yank's getting desperate as he's not used to wandering the battlefield with no army coming out to meet him. I now have 5 opponents with one in a fairly regular pattern, one that hasn't sent a turn in a week, one in two weeks, another in 11 weeks, and the 5th in 12 weeks. Now I know that my mule is downright ugly but that must be a record for the number of opposing commanders that must have rolled off their horses backwards laughing when they saw Ol' Jake. Jake, you know, was born a pretty good looking jacka** but his face never recovered from the look he had right after he got castrated. While he was recovering, the livery mistakenly placed him in a stall with a stallion and anybody could have made the mistake that the stallion did. Ever since, I've had to use half of my drinking money just to keep Ol' Jake in britches. You know, I feel my face drawing up like that too just thinking about it. I'd better find me some opponents before I see somebody approaching me with a knife.

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

Author:  nsimms [ Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I can't stand going for days without my injections of wargaming. It doesn't have to be Shiloh. I haven't played First or Second Bull Run nor Antietam since I was issued my shoes. I'll only take one though as these opponents are going to start coming back (over time they forget what Ol' Jake looked like).

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

Author:  nsimms [ Sat Jun 19, 2004 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I was just stepping out the door to sign up for a tobacco spitting contest when someone accepted the challenge. Hot diggity dog, saddle up my mule and let's head for the battlefield. Thank you for your time but one battle ought to do it. I have faith that the others will return once the wind changes so that the smell of the road kill in the pot carries their way.

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

Author:  John Sheffield [ Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Brilliant stuff Ned, it's pure entertainment reading some of your postings. Now if you'd been on the other side I'd have given you a game myself. Good luck at Shiloh, Antietam, Bull Run or whereever you end up endeavouring to hold the Union together.


Colonel John Sheffield,
1st <b><font color="red">[Fighting First]</font id="red"></b> Brigade,
2nd Division,
<font color="orange">Army of the Ohio.</font id="orange">

Author:  nsimms [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, John. There are those who would tar and feather you for encouraging me. If they do, immediately send me a line as I know this great house down in Cincinnati where the girls have this thing about feathers.

Bill!! I came over looking for you. Where did you go? PS: There aren't any Civil War battlefield parks in Idaho.

An update on this thread: I got my battle at Shiloh, with a Lt Gen who personally took lessons from Gen Jim Thomas on how to fight at Shiloh. I swear that my voice is about four octaves higher and I'm looking more like Ol' Jake every time that I open a turn. But I also accepted a second battle with a Reb wanting to see the Elephant at Antietam. It's early but I'm a great tour guide!!!!

Lt Col Ned Simms
Blood 'n Guts hisself, a land lovin' pirate. Show me some arty tubes and we'll charge 'em.

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