Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

Name Rank Unit
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Author:  wglankler [ Fri May 25, 2001 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Name Rank Unit

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How do members feel about adding name, rank, and unit to their messages? We've done that in the past, but do we want to dispense with it now?
The signature section would be a great place for this...BUT for those in more than one club it would mean changing it a lot. Or we could just type it at the end of the text.
I see some members are using their rank as part of their user name - what happens if you get promoted? Can you change your user name or must you start another one? I suppose you could have a user name for each club, but that seems overly tedious to fool with.
Ens. Glankler - 9th Mass Line/2nd Bde/1st Div/Northern Dept.

Author:  Rich Hamilton [ Fri May 25, 2001 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 


I prefer to use all my ranks in my signature (see below), that way I don't have to type them every time, and I can easily edit them when they change. For those of us that belong to multiple clubs (most I think), it seems the best way to handle it.


Maj. Hamilton      LGen. Hamilton Brig. Hamilton
New York Militia   II Corps, ANV     Retired Frog
Secretary of War

Author:  Al Amos [ Fri May 25, 2001 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

BTW it would be nice if everyone filled in which country they are from on their profile. It's kind of neat to scroll through the membership pages and see the diversity. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

<b>ACW</b>- <b>MajGen Ambushed</b>
1st Bde/1st Arty Div/XX/AoC<br><b><b>NWC</b>- Colonel Amos</b>
1er Dragoons/3e Hvy Cav Div/Cav Res/AdN
<b>CCC</b>- <b>Cpl Amos</b>
1st US Dragoons American Army - 1812_R

Author:  Thomas Wieck [ Fri May 25, 2001 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I go with Ens. Glankler,

If it is not for atmosphere (and who like a good tavern brawl, if you do not know who the guys is, you're just beating), it's at least pratical as it save from looking in the different OOB pages..


Gen. di Brig. Wieck / CiC <a href="">Regio Esercito</a>
Ens. Wieck / CiC <a href="">French Dept. </a>
Cpt. Wieck / 4/2/XXV/AoJ
Lt. Wieck / Pz Regt 130
Sous-Lt. Wieck / Westf. Gren. Garde

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