Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Allied Opponent Wanted - Closed
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Author:  John Mathews [ Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Allied Opponent Wanted - Closed

I would like to play the Luckau-Lubbenau-15 scenario found in the Sharnhorst's Campaign Plan-Alternate Version section of the Campaign Game Front End of the HPS Jena-Auerstaedt Campaign Game.

I would prefer to play with all optional rules checked on except: manual defensive fire, rout limiting, no retreat overruns, partial retreats, line movement restriction and multiple infantry melees, but will consider your preferences.

I can play using the MoE IV rules or without them.

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted

I do not think you will find an Allied opponent willing to play this scenario with rout limiting OFF. This makes the scenario nearly unwinnable for the Allied player due to the excellent C&C of the French and the horrible same for the Prussians. :D

If no junior Allied player will step forward I will accept this battle, and we can play with the rules as you have specified with rout limiting OFF.

Author:  John Mathews [ Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted

Greetings Field Marshal Blackburn,

Thanks for the info and offer. Please forgive my lack of knowledge and experience but I didn't think rout limiting would be such a big issue. I thought that it would affect both armies equally, turned on or off. If having it on helps the Prussians from routing, won't it also help the French from routing? No matter, if turning it on will help me get some opponents, then on it shall be! :)

I haven't noticed a line of couriers waiting in line outside my tent to deliver challenge notices. :) I'll have to check my emails when I get home later this evening, but I doubt that I have any challenges waiting. How long do you suggest I wait for a junior officer to step up?

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted - Canceled

No longer interested in this one John?

Author:  John Mathews [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted - Canceled

Greetings Field Marshal Blackburn,

I still want to play it and many other scenarios in Jena, too bad it's not a more popular game. My frustration and anger over the whole situation got the better of me and I decided to try getting into a different battle. Apparently from the reply it just got, that too is a bad choice for a battle. I am starting to think that the Allies need to be guaranteed at least a minor victory before they'll bother crawling out of the woodwork! :mrgreen:

You didn't seem like you really wanted to play and why should you as it wouldn't be much fun for you to kick some lowly lieutenant's arse all around the battlefield, I get that. For me it would have been and honor and privilege to play a high ranking officer as I would surely learn a lot from the experience. I would have needed Lady Luck smiling on me the whole battle just to squeak by with a draw.

If you want to play it, I'll cancel the other post and play you.

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted - Canceled

LOL, I certainly did not mean it like that. I will be happy to play. Please send a courier to blackburnedATbellsouthDOTnet and we will arrange it.

Author:  John Mathews [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Allied Opponent Wanted - Canceled

Greetings Field Marshal Blackburn,

It will be an honor and privilege to battle you on the fields of Jena. I will send you a campaign selection file when I get home later this evening. We can work out which rules to use before we start.

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