Confederate States of America (CSA) Reference Library
Volume III, Chapter 1 - Flags of the ACWGC CSA

A flag should be simple, readily made, and capable of being made up in bunting; it should be different from the flag of any other country, place or people; it should be significant; it should be readily distinguishable at a distance; the colors should be well contrasted and durable; and lastly, and not the least important point, it should be effective and handsome.                                                                  

-- National Flag Committee of the Confederate States of America, 1861


CSA Headquarters
Eastern Theater
Vicksburg Military Institute
Western Theater


Army of Northern Virginia (ANV)

Army of Tennessee (AoT)

ANV - I (Longstreet's) Corps

AoT - I (Hardee's) Corps

ANV - II (Jackson's) Corps

AoT - II (Stewart's) Corps

ANV - III (Swamp Legion) Corps

AoT - III (Forrest's Cavalry) Corps


AoT - Missouri State Guard Division


Last Updated:  12 January 2021


Maintained by the Confederate States of America (CSA) Engineering Department