French Infantry Attacking Le Chant du Départ

Bulletins de l'Armée du Nord

Le soldat français est plus difficile à conduire qu'un autre. Ce n'est point une machine qu'il s'agit de mouvoir, c'est un être raisonnable qu'il faut diriger.


The French soldier is more difficult to control than another. He is not a machine to be set in motion, he is a reasoning being who must be directed.

Standard of 2ème Dragons

General Report

With the appointment of Col. Worthington as Chef d'Etat-Major for the III Corps, Gén. Martin has taken the opportunity to revamp the Corps’ entire chain of command. The details are enumerated below, but I would like to take this opportunity to commend Gén. Martin on the continuing expansion and strengthening of the IIIème Corps under his able leadership.

Army Status/OOB

Infanterie de Ligne

Infanterie de Ligne. Original artwork by Keith Rocco,

Officers enlisted since the last report and currently in training:

Dutch Grenadiers in French Service
Bearskin Bearskin

Admissions to La Garde Impériale

In recognititon of their continuing service to the Grande Armée and France, as well as their proven record on the field of battle, LtC. Tony Malone and Col. Stuart Wilson have been admitted to the Imperial Guard and received the title of Baron of the Empire.


Orders, Decorations and Medals

Croix de la Valeur Militaire

Special mention should be made of the following officers for their distinguished contributions during the preceding month:

I Corps:

Lieutenant-Colonel Cliff Douglas is recommended for the Croix de la Valeur Militaire in recognition of his distinguished service on the field of battle, in particular his string of Major Victories in the month of November.

II Corps:
l'Ordre de Napoléon

Général Jensen is recommended for the Order of Napoleon for his distinguished services as the Chef d'Etat-Major for the IIC. Aside from exceeding the requisite numbers of Major Victories and tenure in office, he has consistently ensured the orderly administration of his corps. This has ranged from his personalized attention and greeting to each new member to his organization of numerous intramural tournaments and the timely submission of all muster reports.

La Médaille Fréjus

Major Lamezec and Capitaine Earls are recommended for the Médaille Fréjus for their outstanding participation in Multiplayer training maneuvers.

III Corps:


I Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie (Vae Victis!):
17ème Dragons with Captured Flag

Colonel Peterson is recommended for his second Croix de la Valeur Militaire for his distinguished service on the field of battle, including his advancement to the 3rd Round of the MOE Tournament.

Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie

Changes in OOB/Promotions



Berg Cavalry


Danish Dragoon


I Cav:

Vive L'Empereur!!

Gén. de Div. M. Francisco Palomo
Comte de Marseille
Duc d'Abrantes
CoA - Armee du Nord


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