There are the Pipe Creek scenarios although they don't assume that Lee won at Gettysburg. Instead, they are built on the premise that Meade decided to not defend at Gettysburg (which was very likely at the time).
I'd also like to see some more what-ifs in the Gettyburg title.
There could be variants on Gettysburg itself: delayed arrivals of various units (many possibilities there that could have actually occurred); and/or early arrival of various units (again, a number of possibilities with Stuart's cavalry being an obvious one).
I can think of other variants too. One I'd like to see is that the ANV doesn't head to Gettysburg but heads further north to Harrisburg before turning south from there. After all, Ewell's Corps was there just a couple of days earlier and Stuart is not too far away. Based upon that you could have a Battle of Harrisburg or Battle of York and subsequent battles based on the different outcomes of them.
However, above all the supply situation should be fixed in WDS Gettysburg. I see from another thread that Tom Porto did so in his variant and Blake did it for supply wagons in his Gettysburg scenario. I suggest that the simple supply formula that Blake mentioned in one of his videos would be fair and better represent the historical supply situation of both sides.