American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC)

Army of Tennessee Command Change
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Author:  Blake [ Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Army of Tennessee Command Change


As you may be aware, we have not heard from the AoT AC Karl McEntegart for a few months. We've hit the point where we need to move on with things and replace him as AC for the AoT. Karl was/is an excellent administrator and he is very much missed around our campfires. Let's hope he finds his way back to our bivouac someday. He was one of a kind and a character I enjoyed getting to know.

For now, Gen. Nick Kunz will assume temporary command of the Army of Tennessee. Gen. Kunz is better qualified than anyone I know to lead the army as it begins a search for a permanent commander over the coming months.

Karl will definitely be missed! But we will carry on as we always must.

When in the ranks of war we stood and faced the deadly hail,
Our simple suits of gray composed our only coats of mail.
And on the awful hours that marked the bloody battle day,
In memories we'll still be seen wearing of the gray.


Author:  warbison [ Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of Tennessee Command Change

Gentlemen, Sirs! <salute>

It pains me greatly to be responding to General Strickler’s posted message but we have attempted to discover Karl’s whereabouts since early July! Hopefully he is in good health and has chosen this period to pursue other interests! We wish him well and a return to the colors at some point in the near future!

To my comrades in arms serving in the Army of Tennessee, I will be reaching out to all of you in the next several days as we conduct an army-wide muster, via email, to ascertain the exact status of every current AoT member - either present or absent. It has been a few months since we have done this and it is overdue. Hopefully at some point in the near future the Department of Records will be back up and running and quarterly muster can continue through the DoR!


I remain your Obedient Servant,

General Nick Kunz
Acting Commander,
Army of Tennessee


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