I've attached a zip file to this post containing a new, very large Gettysburg scenario for WDS Campaign Gettysburg. There are 2 scenario files included: a weather and a non-weather variant for a historical Gettysburg setup, along with a new OOB. The scenarios run from 1st to 4th of July 1863 and feature a very large map. The OOB also includes some units for both sides that could or might have been present in the battle, but these are not used in either scenario included in the zip.
The latest WDS version of Campaign Gettysburg was used to create this. Comments and criticism are welcome, and feel free to modify and/or use the what-if units as desired.
Apologies in advance if this is the wrong forum section.
Edit: I forgot to add that a special inspiration for this was Blake Strickler's outstanding Gettysburg scenario package. A lot of unit placement solutions, and a better start time came from this. An outstanding piece of work.
Also, I suggest Players work out some House Rules for the use and withdrawal of Buford's Cavalry during and after July 1st. The system has no mechanism for withdrawals, and I personally have always regarded cavalry detachments as a necessary evil that if exploited in a "gamey" fashion might ruin the scenario experience. I suggest maybe mandating a withdrawal to a designated rear area hex near Emmitsburg which Buford cannot move from unless attacked. For the Cavalry Dets, I suggest they not be allowed to move more than a set number of hexes (maybe 5-6?) from their parent unit in any situation. The Buford "Scouts" are intended to do just that on day one, and if any survive (unlikely) they should conform to the agreed House Rules for withdrawal. Just suggestions though. It's your game to play however you desire.
Edit 2: People looking over the OOB may notice that there are entries both for Units and Leaders that make no sense when initially looked at using WordPad or the game. These are really OOB notes to myself that concerned unit availability for historical and what-if scenario development. They were not intended for any use other than that.
Below is a description of the scenario taken straight from the file itself:
"This scenario at a whopping 201 Turns is intended to cover the historical fighting at Gettysburg and the possibility of action elsewhere. This will be a massive undertaking, and while playable between two opponents it might be somewhat better suited for team play. The base for this is scenario 007 in the stock game using the larger "GB" map, with additions and changes made using the boardgame "Last Chance for Victory" designed by David Powell (Leader and unit ratings), Richard Berg's original "Terrible Swift Sword" boardgame (Title, arrival times), Harry W. Pfanz's books: "The First and Second Days at Gettysburg" (starting locations and most unit release times), "Regimental Strengths and Losses at Gettysburg" by Busey and Martin (unit strengths and misc. OOB items), along with information gathered from more websites than I can count including online versions of the Official Records (OR's). Players will note that there are close to 50% more ammunition wagons in the scenario, and they carry more rounds. Also, there are Division, Corps, and Army level wagons. This is a design decision in order to keep both sides stocked with small arms ammo during a four-day battle. Artillery ammunition has been increased for both sides as well, calculated by dividing the Scenario 007 levels by 3 to determine a daily average, and then increasing the totals by one day for each army. Some generous rounding up was also involved. Hopefully this will keep both sides (especially the Confederates) in the game for four days without running out. Unit naming conventions such as "2nd, 3rd" instead of "2d and 3d" are my personal "modern" preference, and all Confederate brigades are mostly designated by their Commander's names without reference to State composition. Finally, Players should note the objectives that are south of the Gettysburg area. It is possible to fight an un-traditional battle if both or even one side is so inclined. The reward further south in VPs is there, and the exit hexes for the Confederates are enticing."
Attachments: |
File comment: Terrible Swift Sword ver2 standard and weather variants
Terrible_Swift_Sword_V2.zip [29.9 KiB]
Downloaded 47 times
_________________ 7th Brigade 4th Division 2nd Corps Army of Northern Virginia
Last edited by Tom Porto on Tue Jan 14, 2025 11:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.