Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)



The Anglo-Allied Army (AAA)


Army Headquarters

The Guards

1ste Nederlandsch-Belgische Korps (I Dutch-Belgian Corps)

II (Anglo-German) Corps III (Peninsular) Corps Cavalry Corps
Reserve Artillery & Engineers


Members Who Helped with Unit Translations: Theron Lambert (Portuguese), Ludwig Schmidt (German), Marco Rietveld & Eltjo Verweij (Dutch) & Andreu Olmo (Spanish)


Departments of the Master-General of the Ordnance:

Medals and Orders Ranks System The Peerage (Nobility Titles) Military Library of Tactics and Game Guides
Cadet Graduates of the Royal Military Academy (RMA) and Koninklijke Militaire Academie (KMA)


Army News, Promotions, Issuance of Nobility Titles, Awards and Medals



Site Designed & Maintained by Scott Ludwig & Walt Moehle (Coalition Army Webmasters)

© 2014-Present

Last Updated: July 22, 2024 11:04 AM