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Napoleonic Wargamer Club


Edition 7

August 1999

 Publisher: Pierre Desruisseaux, Secretary of State

Editor: Ken Jones, British Army

Associate Editor: Chris Wattie, British Army


In this Issue ...

The Front Page

Napoleon Directing Troops

Great Statesman or Corsican Tyrant?

Dear Members:

This is the sixth (and long awaited) edition of the Club's newsletter. We hope you enjoy it. We apologize for coming to press so late but we were delayed by scavenging French Cuirassiers. Hopefully, we will be able to keep at least to a quarterly schedule in the future. Much has happened since the last edition and we will try to fill you in on the doings and happenings of the various armies. Again, our apologies if we missed any significant events. We would also like to thank all those members who contributed articles, letters, pictures, etc. to the newsletter, as well as to those who add their wit and wisdom to the banter at the Rhine Tavern. The input of our members is important to the success of the club. 

Last February, the NWC celebrated its one year anniversary. Many thanks to the founding members of the club who volunteered so much time and effort into making it a success (if you want to know how it all started, click here). And what a success! The last time we counted, the NWC had an active membership of nearly 400. And new recruits continue to enlist. During the months of June and July, there were 10 new enlistments to the French army, 16 to the British army, 7 to the Prussian army, and 10 to the Russian army. Welcome fellow gamers.

Activity in the Club continues at a hectic pace. In the month of July, there were 74 new game starts and 56 games completed. And, according to club records, there are currently 214 registered games on-going with the breakdown as follows: 111 training and maneuvers, 96 fights, and 7 multiplayer games. Hopefully, Talonsoft and other software companies will take note of this continuing interest in the BG games and continue to advance the genre. Perhaps we can uncover some information into games under development and share it with our members in the next newsletter.

In the meantime, there are plenty of battles to be fought. Enjoy the camaraderie, keep your honor intact, and remember: your mind and body need at least six hours of sleep per night.


Strategy and Tactics | Dispatches | Front and Center | On the Internet | Letters to the Editor

Feature Articles

"Trusting in God we shall either win or die. Napoleon is His enemy. He will desecrate His churches. Think of your wives and children, who rely on your protection. Think of your Emperor, who is watching you. Before the sun has set tomorrow, you will have written on this field the record of your faith and patriotism in the blood of your enemy."

Marshal Kutuzov's Proclamation to his troops before the Battle of Borodino, 6 September 1812


Marshal Kutuzov

Marshal Kutuzov


 In this Issue ...



An Alternative Way of Playing Battleground Games.

By Col. Erik Ahrenkiel Frederiksen, Count of Mortier


Want too create your army the way you want it? Want to choose the battlefield and your initial deployments? Well I have been working on a system that makes this possible. The basic idea is that each side gets a certain amount of purchase-points which they can then use to buy troops. Using the scenario editor, the players can then deploy their armies in map of their own choosing and designate objectives points as they see fit. This system allows a player to create an army that perfectly fits one's shoes (preferences) and is best suited to obtain the selected objectives. Moreover, the purchase point system allows players to get nearly balanced games where the winners will be decided solely by the skills and abilities of the opposing players. Unfortunately, my system is not a fancy software program that you can download (maybe someone has the time and skill to do this in the future), rather it's just a point system whose calculations you must do by hand (or spreadsheet). Also there're some restrictions set by the army OOB etc.

I have game tested my purchase point system once and both my opponent and myself thought it worked well. I encourage others to try it. My system, however, should only serve as input into thinking about new ways of playing these great BG game(s), and providing new ways of fighting ones duels.


Overall guidelines on using the purchase point concept: 

There are four basic steps to using my system. Each is explained more fully following the list. (Decisions on who should play what side, etc. is left out of this guideline. Players should decide beforehand the basics of the game they are going to play.)

  1. First one should pick a map and decide if there should be any objectives and their locations (maybe one just want a who-kill-the-most fight).
  2. Next set how many purchase-points each side gets; in other words, how large should the armies be?
  3. Each side should then purchase (through the point system) their army.
  4. After this, each side deploy their army on the selected map, and make the scenario in general.
  5. Then the game can start (this is not really a step, that's why I said four above).

Step 1: Picking a map is up to the players. Their choice, however, should reflect the type of game they're about to play. One idea I would recommend is that one doesn't look at the maps as historical battle grounds but merely as nondescript countryside. This way one can envision totally new battle grounds.

Objective points, if desired, can be chosen to reflect the player's imagined scenario. For example, objectives could be locations in the front line (center, left- and right flank), fictional supply routs, and/or other predominant parts of the landscaper, such as hill tops, road junctions and villages. One might, for example, have both sides start at the edges of the map and set up 3 object points (less valued) in the 'front' line (near the center line of the map), 3 object point (greater valued) behind that line in essential landscape points and set up an supply route (also greater valued) to the map side where one's army begins its deployment.

Step 2: The amount of purchase-points given too each side should, as in the case of map choice, reflect the type game the players wants to play. If one side going to be the aggressor, for example, then this side should receive more purchase-points. (In the scenario I played, both armies received 90K purchase point -- that enabled us to have fairly large armies.)

Step 3: For purchases, the troops are divided into four types: Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Miscellaneous. Units from the first three categories have each a base cost and a modifier depending on the type and quality of the unit. Miscellaneous units have only a base cost.

(The following is the purchase point system I have worked out for the BGW and PTW games. Sorry, but I have not considered NIR.)





Base cost: 1 pt/man Base cost:


Base cost: 100pts/cannon

Infantry Type Modifier

Cavalry Type Modifier

Artillery Type Modifier

Regular Infantry None Regular Cavalry




Rifle Infantry +5% Lancers




Light Infantry +10% Heavy






Officer French Allied












Supply Wagon

20 pts/supply point

Artillery Ammo

10 pts/shot



Base Quality 5


Increase/Decrease QualityLevel

+/- 15%


Note 1: The base cost for infantry is set along with the victory points they give and also just to get a workable level. The type modifier is set on how I value these unit types. They're clearly subjective and players should feel free to adjust them as they feel necessary.

Note 2: The base cost for cavalry is set less then their 8 victory points because I thought the cavalry would be too expensive otherwise (consider also the victory points they give). I have picked 2 because it's between their (x1) regular strength and the (x3) charge strength. Again, these are subjective values. Type modifier is set on the 25% strength modifier in the game. Heavy cavalry gets a 20% modifier because they more often attack (against all) and gets the strength modifier, then they defend (only against cavalry). Lance cavalry are set lower because they get a 25% strength reduction when they defend.

Note 3: Arty base cost is set along with the 4 victory points for one cannon equal 25 men, hence the 100 purchase-points for one cannon. The type modifier can be expanded to battery type, as C and D, here is a modifier for the two main distinctive types.

Note 4 (Quality modifier): The 15% is set from the improved (reduced) 1/6 success chance on the morale roll compared with the quality 5 unit (where 1/6 equals approximately 17% so I round down to 15%). Units with qualities that give them firing and melee modifiers, don't always receive the improved success chance on morale rolls, only when they are disordered, fatigue etc. I chose to set these two factors equal to each other, so a modifier for improved firing and melee can be left out.

Note 5: Basically the costs here are set so that there are limits in the amount off supply, cannon shots etc one can have. This ensures that supply considerations are not left out of the game. The costs for officers is differentiated because of the French army's greater command range.

Step 4: Use the scenario editor to create the game and deploy your armies. Victory points for infantry, etc. should be the same as in the official Battleground scenarios, because purchase-points have been set through them.

Step 5: Enjoy the game.

Some final comments: I have only briefly described my purchase point system here, leaving out many details and other suggestions because the focus for this letter was the point system. Just use my system as a source of inspiration for finding new ways of playing this game. Perhaps after some refinement and playing experience a system such as this could be used in (if the opinion is for it) official NWC activities -- meaning that there is a set NWC standard in regards to points, modifiers etc.

As I mentioned earlier, I have used this system once. My opponent and I used the Ligny map where the French started at the right side and the allied at the left. In the middle we had set an DMZ where we were not allowed before dawn. So at dawn we both could see, for the first time, the enemy's deployment and the type of army he had purchased (great great fun and very surprising too). We had each 90K points, giving us both a fairly large army. Because the armies were nearly equal, neither of us was the aggressor from the start. In "official" games it might help to have a referee who could sanction the purchases and certify the initial set-up. In fact, to play totally blind, the referee would have to use the scenario editor to select the opposing army OOBs. 

I am currently planning to put on my homepage, some computation spreadsheets for the French, British, and Prussian armies in both Works and Excel. This way you would only have to select the units and the number of troops and the calculations would be automatic. If you are interested in this system and have comments or questions please contact me. I would also appreciate suggestions for improvements so that I can make this system better and usable for all players. I thank you all for enduring this letter but English is not my native language.

Best Regards

Col. Erik Ahrenkiel Frederiksen, Count of Mortier

Commander, 3rd Training regiment, Ecole du Mars, AdR




Prussian Black Eagle Medal

The New Prussian Medals: An Evolution

Unterleutnant Robert Hamper, Kommandeur, 8th Brigade, II Korps

AdC to Generalmajor von Gjerde


I had recently been assigned to the 8th Brigade of II Korps, Preussisches Heer and I was exploring the NWC's sites and links. I noticed that the British Army had revamped it's medals pages and the Russians were working on theirs. With curiosity getting the better of me I did some preliminary research on the Web and found that there seemed to be adequate numbers of medals so that we, the Prussians, could undertake a similar project.

With the zeal of a raw, new recruit, I suggested to my Korpskommandeur that the Prussians could also reconstruct their site and that I was willing to undertake some of the research. A flurry of e-mails later and I was tasked by the CoA Prussia to complete this job in the finest of Prussian traditions. There were two problems however; I'd never made a web page before and I was at sea in the Gulf of Mexico! All my research would have to be Web-based.

I was faced with a bewildering assortment of questions. What medals could I find? Which would I use? How would they be awarded? In asking these questions I came across a few more difficulties. I'd only played in two Club games and they were training scenarios that weren't yet finished. How was I supposed to develop a medals page for a game and club that I was hardly familiar with? Worse, I didn't even own Prelude to Waterloo at the time; arguably the biggest source of scenarios with the presence of Prussian units.

I regarded the medals page that we were currently using. It had an assortment of medals. One was the Franz Joseph, an Austrian award. There was the Military Medal from Britain and the Military Merit Cross from Bavaria. And, our biggest award the Grand Cross Star. I moved on to the new British page and saw what they had done. They had replaced all non-British medals with ones from their own kingdom. A wise and logical move I thought. The Russians had also made a similar change and added a twist. Their medals were developed to reward their officers for playing Napoleon in Russia.

I realized that our page must also be an evolutionary move, both for the Army and the Club. Growth and change are necessary to keep interest alive and well. I wanted our medals and awards to be distinctly Prussian and to reward our officers who supported our Army both on and off the field. I remembered one of the Club maxim's: we weren't just a gaming ladder, we were a historical gaming club that tries to immerse it's members in the essence of the era.

With pen and paper I jotted down rough guidelines for my work. (i) The medals would have to be Prussian, or at the very least, German. There would be no substitutes, no medals from other nations. Our distinctness had to come to the fore. (ii) The medals had to be in issue in the period of 1800 to 1815. I insisted on this as our contribution to the Club's historical essence. (iii) Some of the medals were to be used to encourage our officers to promote our Prussian Army in the club, we weren't merely an Ally, but a great Kingdom in our own right.

There were two medals that had caught my eye from the beginning. When my research showed me that the Pour le Merite was created in 1706 (???) as an award for military bravery I was excited. The legendary Blue Max was to be one of our medals! It wasn't until later that I found out that the nickname came from it's award to Max Immelman as one of it's first recipients in World War I. You'll now find no reference to the "Blue Max" on our page; it didn't exist in 1815! Another interesting tidbit was that of the 1600 plus Pour le Merite's awarded after the fall of Paris in 1814, 1400 were awarded to Russian officers! This I knew would have to be incorporated some way. It was too significant an event to ignore.

The Eisernes Kreuz, or Iron Cross, is about as famous an award as you can find. I had no idea of it's history save that it was awarded in both World Wars. I was again rewarded by my research which showed that the Eiserne Kruez was incorporated in 1813 by King Friedrich Wilhelm as a means to reward his soldiers in the Wars of Liberation against Napoleon's France. You can't get much more Napoleonic than that! Even more interesting was the fact that the EK had classes; 2nd Class, 1st Class, Grand Cross and the Breast Star to the Grand Cross. The EK was a "step" award in that you had to have won a lower classed award before being awarded the higher one. This was something else I felt had to be incorporated in our medals.

The medals we had were now becoming a system. A means by which and officer could actually develop a "career". The Eisernes Kreuz awards became reserved for those officers who only led Prussian units to victory on the fields of battle. The Pour le Merite was used to reward officers who had accumulated a number of victories and also to reward officers of the Russian Army for a number of victories in NiR scenarios that simulate the road from Moscow to Paris. There are other awards too, both Prussian and German and most of the Coalition medals have been replaced by their Preussisches counterparts.

I consider it a work in progress and as more information comes to light, I hope that we will have a sophisticated yet simple award system that the officers of the Preussisches Heer can be proud of. Check our medals site by starting here: http://home.avint.net/~rhamper/PM1.htm If the Newsletter Editor allows me, in future issues I hope to give you a detailed history of some of our awards. (Editor: Go ahead Rob, we're easy)



Editor's Choice: From the Web:

 In the Beginning: Napoleon's Rise to Command

 A Sympathetic Ear: Napoleon, Elba, and the British

What If Napoleon Had Won at Waterloo?



The Front Page | Feature Articles | Dispatches | Front and Center | On the Internet | Letters to the Editor

Strategy and Tactics

Infantry, cavalry, and artillery are nothing without each other. They should always be so disposed in cantonments as to assist each other in case of surprise.

 Napoleon's Maxim of War XLCVII


British 68th Regiment Reenactors in Battleline

 Part of the 68th Regiment's Battleline at Waterloo


In this Issue ...



 A bronze 6-pounder

  • a bronze 6-pounder

    ARTILLERY TACTICS: Up Close and Personal

     By: Ian Weightman


  • Being in the throes of receiving a sound thrashing at the hands of the immaculately tailored Colonel Wattie, I was somewhat surprised (to say the least) to be asked if I could contribute an article on the use of artillery for the newsletter. My surprise was compounded by the fact that I do not consider myself an expert in the use of artillery, nor the most effective, efficient or historically accurate. However, I do find my "get 'em up close and personal" approach often yields satisfactory results (I frequently achieve hits in excess of 100). This of course not only increases fatigue levels and victory points whilst reducing the fighting capability of units, but also seems to cause many units to disappear from the front line!

    Naturally, there is a cost to this approach, batteries take more hits and are sometimes lost to cavalry charges. But, we should not dwell excessively on this loss of victory points given the added effectiveness of the guns and the points gained recouped from slaughtering those charging cavalrymen in the next round (besides, I have yet to find that I have enough ammunition for all my guns anyway!). It has to be borne in mind, however, that part batteries use up shots just like full batteries do - is it worth firing that two-gun battery instead of the eight? I have seen the alternative approach used many times - standing back at ranges of 8+ hexes, and watching whilst batteries use up shots to no effect. Indeed, I used to use it myself, but my first opponent pushed his guns up close and did tremendous damage to my units. Fair enough, I thought, fight fire with fire, and would now claim to have overtaken my teacher.

    To make maximum use of close-up artillery it is useful to remember that "out of position" batteries can limber in defensive phase, as well as unlimber, allowing them to make full use of the movement phase. This may sometimes mean foregoing a shot to limber instead, but we all happily do this for infantry in column!

    Oh, and why keep those batteries on the field to be gobbled up once the ammunition has gone? Why not limber them up and remove them from the map, saving yourself the points (editor's querry: Does removing units from the map earn victory points for your opponent?)

    To finish with, a few ideas for discussion. The tactic of close-up artillery was made much more effective by the upgrade allowing horse batteries to unlimber in the movement phase. Careful movement of batteries allows them to unlimber adjacent to other units. But has Talonsoft gone far enough? I often find it annoying, and unrealistic, that ZOCs prevent horse batteries from unlimbering IN FRONT of a unit. There are many examples of horse batteries doing just this, from the Napoleonic era up to World War I, and beyond. I do not know if it is possible from a programming point of view, but, bearing in mind how units can change facing, I do not see any reason why this should be unacceptable in principle! Similarly, horse artillery were intended as an extension of the cavalry arm - to be used in conjunction with, and in support of, cavalry. Why not then allow them to utilize the charge phase - perhaps to move and unlimber, or even unlimber and fire! That way, the threat of cavalry charge causing infantry to form square, exposing themselves to horse artillery up close would surely be more historically correct.

    Just a thought, a controversial one to finish with, and not directly to do with the use of artillery - there has been some discussion recently about the use of cavalry. Well, at the risk of upsetting my Army Commander, I would like to suggest a slightly(?) different view. As French commander, I almost always use my cavalry to take 20+ guns in the first move, before the Allied player has a chance to respond. These cavalry often do not come back, and the view seems to be that this is a tremendously bad trade-off in points. Well, maybe it is, but I do not think it is quite as simple as that. Surely consideration has to be made of future infantry losses, with the consequent loss of points, increase in fatigue and disruption, and loss of combat effectiveness, not to mention routs. At the end of the day (or battle), I believe it is infantry that wins victories.

    View of the South Gate of Hougoumont

    View of South Gate at Hougoumont

    DEATH VALLEY: Defending the Mount St. Jean ridge in BGW

     By: Col. Chris Wattie, Commander, II Corps, British Army


    The line of high ground running from north of Hougoumont, west of La Haye Sainte to the Chaussee de Bruxelles (from hexes 36,25 to 47,20) is one of the key pieces of ground in Battleground Waterloo - considering the pivotal role this section of the British line played in the historical battle, an argument could be made that it is THE key piece of ground.

    It's roughly 11 hexes long, between two and five hexes wide and is the heart of the British-Allied line, protecting one of the three 500-point victory hexes in the game at 38,19) and providing the key to one of the others (the Mt. St-Jean farm at 47,14). It also draws the French like flies - massed infantry assaults, artillery barrages and heavy cavalry charges a la Ney. It's no accident that Wellington put his best troops there. Even the idee fixe that many French commanders I've faced seem to have with wiping out the 3rd Dutch-Belgian division and turning the Allied right is an indirect attack on Mt. St-Jean ridge: an attempt to outflank this British stronghold.

    So how to defend such a magnet for the unkind attentions of La Grande Armee? First consider the terrain: You have a commanding view of the approaches to your line (with some notable exceptions I'll deal with later), the +1 advantage of height in melee attacks, the chateau and orchard of Hougoumont anchoring your right flank along with easily defended terrain - the sunken roads, woods and hedges making any attack a difficult and time-consuming process. All of which makes me wonder why so many French players like to attack the Allied right ... but that's another topic.

    The terrain also poses some problems for the defender. Although the Hougoumont complex channels any attack so that it is much more naturally to come from the southeast of the Mt. St-Jean ridge there are a couple of features that lend themselves to the attacker's devices. Specifically, the small ridge running northeast from 40,31 and the "dead ground" extending northeast and southeast from 43,27. These features allow enemy units to come alarmingly close to your position without exposing themselves to much or any of your artillery fire. This is particularly a threat from enemy cavalry, which can move within charging distance of your cannons, charge the ridge en masse to clear the artillery and skirmishers in preparation for the infantry assault.

    Because of the nature of the ground, this poses something of a dilemma in regards to placement of the artillery. Put it forward with the infantry of 1st and 3rd Divisions and it is in danger of being overrun by a well-timed mass cavalry charge. Put it behind the infantry and it cannot command a field of fire that would wreak maximum havoc on approaching French infantry. One could of course, move the infantry line up so it stands at the foot of the slope, allowing the cannon to fire over their heads. But that would, I argue, move the infantry too far forward and still leave a one-hex "shadow" in front of the infantry line - a blind spot into which the cannon could not fire. The infantry would also lose the benefit of defending from higher ground and also one of the best features of the ridge as a defensive position: use of the reverse slope to shelter from artillery (as happened during the historical battle).

    The solution to this conundrum is the counter-charge. By backing up your line with a few well-placed squadrons of cavalry (I prefer to use "disposable" cavalry, such as the Cumberland Hussars or the Brunswick contingent horse) [the editor, who commands the Brunswick Uhlan squadron takes offense at this] and - most important - leaving open "lanes" clear of infantry and skirmishers you can neutralize most any cavalry threat.


    [editor's addition: I have found that the ridge spur, which extends to the northwest from the center of the main ridge, is an ideal position for the British reserve artillery. From here, your guns are hidden from most of the French batteries and can sweep the top of the ridge from Hougoumont all the way to the left center towards the sunken road. Any charging cavalry or advancing infantry which manage to ascend the forward slopes can quickly be sent down by the batteries of guns posted on this ridge. The height of the position also permits these guns to fire over those friendly infantry that are using the reverse slope for shelter.]



    Editor's Choice: From the Web:

    Tactical Doctrine of Russian Foot Skirmishers


    The Front Page | Feature Articles | Strategy and Tactics | Front and Center | On the Internet | Letters to the Editor


    To act upon lines far removed from each other, and without communications, is to commit a fault which always gives birth to a second.

    Napoleon's Maxim of War XI


    British Army


    The British Army's ranks have continued to swell, including eight new;recruits in the past month. Our more experienced members have already made;an enviable name for themselves, particularly our "Four Horsemen" of Brig. Gen. Andrew Flynn, Col. Chris Wattie, Col. Paul Harris and Lt.-Col. Rodrigo;Leon who are ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th place in Allied Officer's;statistics. Even the awful French fear our Four Horsemen, ranking Col. Harris 2nd in the club and all the rest in the top 10. Close behind are a number of up-and-coming young officers who are fast running up the victories, including Lt.-Col. Mick O'Reilly (despite his unfortunate hat fetish), Capt. Andy Smith, and Maj. Tony Dobson.

    The establishment of our very own Royal Military Academy, under Col. Wattie, has helped raise morale and skill levels in the army. Our first graduates deserve special mention: Lt. Ken Jones, now of the Brunswick Uhlans, and Lt. Stefan Johanssen, who has been posted to the storied 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers Regt. Army Adjutant Col. Paul Harris's Great Library page has been a huge success, compiling tactical tips articles and other invaluable information for the edification of all Allied officers. His institution of a new, all-British medal system has also been a great hit with the troops. Finally a tip of the hat and a stiff bar bill to my chief of staff Andrew Flynn, recently elevated to Brigadier General and knighted a member of the Order of the Garter. Good show there Sir Andrew! God Save the King!

    A. Wellesley

    Officer Commanding

    British-Allied Army


    French Armies

    L'Armee du Rhine, III Corps



    The following Officers have been promoted during July month, to the following ranks and shall enjoy all privileges and pay associated with.

    Tomasz Nowacki, to Gen. de Brig.; Richard Hamilton, to Colonel; Jon Steadman, to Colonel; Uwe Kuennemann, to Lt. Colonel; John Pumphrey, to Major; Yves Michel, to Major; Bernard Moulin, to Major; Rick Porter, to Captaine; Paul Thompson, to Captaine; Tom Quinn, to Captaine; James Belk, to Lieutenant; Paul Hughes, to Lieutenant.


    On behalf of Gen de Div Jon Brewitt, it is with great pride, that the following medal is awarded.

    To Ramon Cipressi, the Medaille Millitaire is hereby presented in recognition of his victory at Utitza over the Imperial Russian Army.

    Congratulations to these Officers.

    Vive l'Empereur

    Col. Erik A. Frederiksen, Count of Mortier.

    Chief of Staff Armee du Rhin.


    New French Training Facility Up and Running

    A new training facility is up and running for L'Armee du Rhine and the first students have already graduated and are even now appearing in the army's line units. The new facility, known as Ecole de Mars, is commanded by Col. Richard Hamilton. The school is designed to allow new players to hone their skills in small unit tactics and army grande strategy before joining battle against the Emperor's enemies. The school also teaches players how to successfully complete PBEM games with minimum hassles. This should provide the French armies with more well adjusted junior officers to face the Allied forces. Currently, there are 19 recruits enrolled at the school where each is assigned to one of 7 training officers. The first graduate of the new training facility was Lt. James Belk. You can visit the school at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/9703/


    French Armies

    L'Armee du Nord


    General Francisco Palormo, Commander, L'Armee du Nord, reports for July:

    I Corps

    OOB/Promotions - Gen Davis and Chef d'Escadron Sloan have been felled by Cupid and have withdrawn from active participation in the NWC. I have already appointed Col. Mitchell to assume command of I Corps, but to date have been unable to find a new commander for the 1st Dv. Capt. Bardon has been recommended to replace Mssr. Sloan at the head of the 1er Division de Cavalerie Legere by both Col. Mitchell and Chef d'Escadron Sloan, and I would endorse that recommendation.

    I Corp's current strength: 1st Dv - 7; 2nd Dv - 1 CO + 7=8; 1ere Cav Leg & Corps Arty - 7. Total: 2 Commanders and 21 rank & file.


    Capt. Kourounis - Valour Cross (10) (For skill displayed in MP game)

    Lt. Gofayzen - Valour Cross (10) (For skill displayed in MP game) Capt. Bardon should also receive the Medaille Militaire for his first Major Victory.


    II Corps

    OOB/Promotions - As of June he estimated that there were 20 rank & file members active in IIC. Since Maj. Davenport has recently reported in the total strength for II C now stands at 24.

    Medals for July:

    Capt. Einarsson - Iron Crown (10) (For development of IIC web page)


    III Corps

    Marechal Barbier continues to fashion the IIIC into the finest corps d'armee not just simply in the AdN but, with all due respect to our colleagues in the AdR, in the entire Grande Armee. Given the III Corp's continuing expansion under JM's recruitment drive, I authorized the addition of a rgt to each of its constituent brigades, making it the largest corps in the AdN. Despite the transfer of several members to the new I Corps de Reserve and Mssr. Moulin to the AdR, the III Corps's current strength stands at 9 commanders and 31 rank & file for a total of 40.

    Maréchal Jean-Marie Barbier, AdN III Corps Commander, reports:

    It is hard to tell you what happened in my Corps during this "very long period" the III Corps (I take this command in December) has all new Officers (but 1!) I recruited them personally by hunting on the internet.

    The finest ones, Stan Kasper, Olivier Orphelin & Laurent Grocolas are now my 3 Division Commanders Charles D. Lewis, Hisataka Amma, Robert Bruce, Vincent Gatto & Paul Sidhu are very good Brigade Commanders I have also 33 Regiments ore Batteries Commander So the Corps has a splendid amount of 42 Officers and certainly an active one to serve the Emperor.

    Let me add 2 things about myself ....... I'm the 1st and only (at this time) Marshall in the NWC and I created the site of the III Corps, adding an interesting page for all the NWC players, a special page with a complete statistics for all Officers of all Armies you can read it at : http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/7342/

    I Think some Allied Commanders promise some extra-points for my head. I want to send all my congratulations to Sir Paul Harris who gave me my first defeat, next time I may have to congratulate one, or more, Allied Officers as I have defeat(s) running!


    Lt Hisataka Amma (10th Division/2nd Brigade Commander) : 2nd place in the III Corps March Contest)

    Capitaine John Baker (10th/2nd/108th de Ligne): Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory.

    Lt Robert Bruce (10th Division/Artillery Brigade Commander) : Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory; Lt Olivier Orphelin (11th Division Commander) : Medaille Militaire; Lt Paul Sidhu (11th Division/2nd Brigade Commander) : 1st place in the III Corps March Contest)

    Capitaine Bernard Moulin (Cavalry/Artillery/2/2th Artillery): Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory; Lt. Pelot Corbineau (Artillery/16/1st Artillery): Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory; Lt Jean-Denis Martin (10th Division/2nd Brigade/6th Leger) : Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory; Lt Stefan Reuter (3rd Cavalry Division/2nd Brigade/6th Hussars) : Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory; Lt. Kayle Boomer (11th Division/Artillery/16/5th Artillery): Medaille Militaire for achieving his first major victory.


    I Corps de Reserve Cavalry

    In May we raised a new, reserve cavalry corps under the command of Gen. Alemany composed of two divisions of cuirassiers and one of dragoons. An initial cadre was created by transferring the commanders of the original cuirassier & dragoon rgts to the 3eme Div de Cav. Lourde of the new corps d'armee. The slots in the other divisions are being filled with new recruits. At present the strength of the I ResC stands at 2 commanders and 8 rank & file. The new corps web page is at: http://www.ctv.es/USERS/salvadoralemany/Icav.htm With Gen. Davis' departure we haven't been able to link it to the AdN Home Page as yet.


    Prussian Army


    Officers of the Allied Coalition,

    There have been major changes in the Prussian Army command structure since we last communicated. General Major Bill Peters resigned from the NWC to pursue his game creation activities and I, Generalmajor Michael Wolf Gjerde have assumed command. In addition, I Korps commander Oberst Sam Orlando has been turned by the dark side and has left the Prussian Army for a post somewhere in the French Army of the Rhine. My elevation and Sam's removal has opened the command of the two Prussian Korps for two very fine officers. Oberst Heidar Karlsson has taken over command of the II Korps and Oberst Andrew Naujoks has taken over command of the I Korps. Both are excellent officers and have been a great help to me in my duties running the Prussian Army. O. Karlsson has been in charge of the new and revamped Prussian Army web pages http://prussianarmy.napoleonicwars.com/ and O. Naujoks has been in charge of updating our Prussian Officer Quarters player statistics http://prussianarmy.napoleonicwars.com/poq.htm. Great jobs done by both of them!

    And finally, Generalmajor Bill Peters has un-retired and rejoined the Prussian army as commander of the 5th Brigade, II Korps. GM Peters was awarded the first and most honorary Medal of the Prussian Army, Orden des Schwarzen Adler (Order of the Black Eagle)! Check out the medal and award at the site: http://www.napoleonicwars.com/users/prussianarmy/petersmedals.htm. GM Peters founded the Prussian Army and led us from its creation till May of 1999. A job well done and again welcome back.

    Best Regards,

    Generalmajor Michael Wolf Gjerde

    Kommander "Preussens Gloria"
    Das Heer des niederen Rhein
    Gott schütze Armee und Vaterland
    Vorwarts mein Kinder!


    Russian Coat of Arms

    Russian Army

    Russian 2nd Army of the West

    The 2nd Army of the West has been very busy since the last dispatch, going through a reorganization and a swelling of the ranks with enthusiastic patriots answering Tsar Alexander's call to arms.

    The reorganized army is now commanded by General Mikhail Kutusov who has created a command staff consisting of Generalmajor Gil Ocampo as Chief of Staff, Major Paul Cramer as Adjutant and Lt Mark Brien as Aide de Camp. The 7th Infantry Corps is now commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Nalda. The 8th Infantry Corps has been ordered to join the army and is commanded by Colonel Karl Schneider. The 4th Cavalry Corps, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Underwood, has been reorganized with the addition of the 2nd Cuirassier Division. The 5th (Guard) Corps, commanded by Major Paul Cramer, has been detached from the 1st Army of the West and will accompany the 2nd Army of the West in its campaign against the French invaders. The Guard Corps will be an honorary posting for those Russian officers who have distinguished themselves in battle. And finally, the Artillery Reserve, commanded by Colonel Jim Woods, has been created for the temporary posting of new recruits while they undergo extensive training in preparation to face the Corsican Tyrant's mercenary army.

    In Moscow, the court of Tsar Alexander has been alive with royal balls and processions in celebration of momentous victories over the invading French Grande Armee. Proudly presenting captured French Eagles to Tsar Alexander were Generalmajor Gil Ocampo (five major victories), Colonel Jim Woods (one major victory), Colonel Karl Schneider (two major victories), Maj Zac Becker (one minor victory), Lieutenant Pascal Hummel (one major victory), Lieutenant Ruben Lopez (one major victory), Lieutenant Robert Magyar (one major victory), Lieutenant Ross Sutton (one minor victory) and Lieutenant Peter Yrureta (one major victory).

    With the news of the glorious victories over the French invaders spreading through the court of Tsar Alexander, the sons (and daughters) of the Russian nobility continue to heed the clarion call to arms and have drawn their swords in preparation to do battle against any and all invaders of Mother Russia. Joining the ranks of brave Russian patriots are Lieutenants Richard Bartlett, Igor Believ, Mark Brien, Kimberley Cavallin, Eric Elder, J. Victor Escobar, Marcus Haas, Pascal Hummel, Ruben Lopez, Rabih Nasser, Paul Phelps, Gerry Powell, Dave Waltman, and Simon Ward.

    Your servant,

    Generalmajor Gil Ocampo
    Chief of Staff, 2nd Army of the West


    8th Corps, Russian Imperial Army

    8th Corps continues to battle the French invader. Battle honors in the last two months include three major victories and one minor victory with seven games in progress In addition to success on the battlefield, 8th Corps officers earned a Grand Star Cross, an Empire Military Medal, the Order of St. Anne and two Orders of St. Vladimir.

    Lt. Lopez earned his first victory at Utiza, destroying 2825 enemy infantrymen,150 cavalrymen and 18 artillery pieces in addition to bagging one division and two brigade commanders.

    The Corps' recent training exercises were a great success. Lt. Lopez scored the highest in the fleches scenario with -109 points. Lt. Holmberg's score of -314 was the best for the Utiza scenario. Congratulations to both officers! Long live the Tsar!

    Col. Karl Schneider
    C.O., 8th Corps, Russian Imperial Army



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    British Army


    Here are the medals and promotions for the British Army for your newsletter:

    Most Noble Order of the Garter: Brig-Gen. Sir Andrew Flynn
    Army Gold Cross: Col. P. Harris, Lt.-Col. R. Leon
    Army Gold Medal: Col. C. Wattie, Lt.-Col. J. Weightman, Lt.-Col. T. Curry, Col. P. Harris
    Waterloo Medal: Lt.-Col. M. O'Reilly
    Army Best Shot: Capt. A. Smith, Capt. A. DeMartino.
    Long Service and Good Conduct Medal: Lt. T. Lubka, Lt. A. Reynolds.
    Meritorious Service Medal: Lt. T. Koscheski
    To Brigadier General: Andrew Flynn
    To Colonel: Paul Harris
    To Lieutenant-Colonel: Mick O'Reilly, Antony Barlow, Dave Mansell
    To Major: Charles Upton, Tony Dobson, Mark Trowbridge, Mark Reitz
    To Captain: Andy Smith, Colin Gaskell, Tony DeMartino, John Rogers
    To Lieutenant (from Ensign): Ken Jones, Stefan Johanssen



    See the Dispatches section above




    The Prussian Army, under the design of U.Lt. Rob Hamper, has developed and posted a new extensive Medals page with Medals awarded. Great job by U.Lt. Hamper! http://www.napoleonicwars.com/users/prussianarmy/PM1.htm

    In addition there have been many promotions:

    here the promotions since May:

    Major Cameron to Oberst
    Unterleutnant Schneider to Oberleutnant
    Kapitan Vakiener to Major
    Oberst Gjerde to Generalmajor
    Kapitan Karlsson to Oberst
    Oberleutnant Naujoks to Oberst
    Oberleutnant Fisher to Kapitan
    Kapitan Housgate to Major
    Unterleutnant Reuter to Oberleutnant
    Unterleutnant Hochst to Oberleutnant


    Russian Coat of Arms




    By Tsar Alexander's expressed wishes and in recognition for glorious actions on and off the field of battle, the following officers have been promoted during the period of April to July:

    Gil Ocampo to Generalmajor
    Mark Doggett to Colonel
    Karl Schneider to Colonel
    Jim Woods to Colonel
    John Cartridge to Lieutenant Colonel
    Carlos Nalda to Lieutenant Colonel
    Zac Becker to Major
    Paul Cramer to Major
    Bryan Corkhill to Captain
    Robert Magyar to Captain
    Sebastian Stewart to Captain
    Peter Yrureta to Captain


    During Tsar Alexander's Grand Review of the 2nd Army of the West, our most beloved Tsar has honored the following officers with presentations of medals for gallant and valorous service.

    For achieving their first victory over the French invaders on Russian soil, Tsar Alexander has awarded the Order of Saint Anne to:

    Colonel Karl Schneider, Colonel Jim Woods, Maj Zac Becker, Lieutenant Ruben Lopez

    In recognition for assisting in the reorganization of the 2nd Army of the West and for training our enthusiastic recruits, Tsar Alexander has awarded the Order of Saint Vladimir to:

    Colonel Mark Doggett for his efforts in training recruits
    Colonel Karl Scheider for his efforts in designing training scenarios
    Lieutenant Carlos Naldo for his efforts in training recruits
    Captain Peter Yrureta for his efforts in training recruits
    Lieutenant Mark Brien for his work in researching and creating the new Russian Orders (medals) webpage

    (The following medals were awarded prior to the institution of the Russian Orders)

    For exemplary conduct in action against the French, Tsar Alexander has awarded the Grand Star Cross to:

    Colonel Karl Schneider

    For valorous conduct in battle against the French, Tsar Alexander has awarded the Military Merit Cross to:

    Major Zac Becker, Major Paul Cramer, Captain Sebastian Stewart

    In recognition for achieving their first victories over the French invaders (in any battlefield), Tsar Alexander has awarded the Empire Military Medal to:

    Generalmajor Gil Ocampo, Colonel Mark Doggett, Colonel Karl Schneider, Colonel Jim Woods, Lieutenant Colonel John Underwood, Captain Peter Yrureta, Lieutenant Pascal Hummel


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    On the Internet

    Since becoming the editor, I have joined Chris in periodically surfing the web to look for news, feature articles, pictures, cartoons, and other tidbits that would be of interest to our members. In this section, I will post a selected few of the more interesting sites that we have come across. In future editions we encourage members to share their favorite sites as well (just drop me or Chris a line). KJ

    The Napoleon Series. (http://historyserver.org/napoleon.series/home/c_home.html) This site is dedicated to the study of Napoleon Bonaparte and his times and is run by a team of dedicated volunteers. The site is divided into several sections including all things military, a discussion forum, book reviews, and research. I have found this an exciting place (especially the photographic tours of the battlefields) and trust you will as well. They have also been so kind as to grant the NWC permission to repost articles and other stuff from their site in our newsletter (Thanks to Rob Burnham, their editor-in-chief).

    Napoleon. (http://www.napoleon.org) An encyclopedic site run by the Napoleon Foundation on the subject of Napoleon Bonaparte (who else?) and Napoleon III. Boasts a thousand html pages on Napoleonica, six hundred in French and four hundred in English.

    Napoleon Bonaparte Internet Guide. (http://www.iselinge.nl/napoleon/) Paul Hilferink has created this site to help you find the best Napoleonic sites on the web. The site boasts old newspaper articles from the Napoleonic period (various countries), articles of people, places, and events, paintings and other art, and of course, links to other sites.

    The Napoleonic Wars. (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/6176/index.html) Dominic Goh put this site together to provide the wargamer and amateur historian with an introduction to the major armies and campaigns of the Napoleonic wars. A good site for information on uniforms of the various armies (text only).


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    Letters to the Editor


    If you have something to contribute or would like comment on any aspect of the newsletter or the NWC, then feel free to write a letter to the editor (kenjones@fdic.gov or paula.ken@erols.com) However, this newsletter reserves the right to ignore, edit, delete and/or refuse to publish any letter received if it is deemed to be inappropriate or worthless. All letters absolutely must include the name of the author and his/her e-mail address or they will not be posted. KJ



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