Along the Beautiful Blue Danube

The Beautiful Blue Danube Danube River near Grossberg

The Danube River, looking upstream (southwest) from near Grossberg, about 6 km southwest of downtown Regensberg (Ratisbon).


Photo locations at Abbach

Photo locations at Abbach

Danube River northwest of Abbach

Looking northwest (downstream) from the Danube footbridge at the north edge of Abbach.



Looking southeast toward Abbach from the Danube footbridge at the north end of the village. Note church steeple and castle keep.


Looking northwest toward Abbach and the Danube

Looking northwest over Abbach and the great bend of the Danube, from the hill southeast of the village. Again note church steeple and castle keep.


The Saal Defile

Rocks, road and river: The Teufelsfelsen (Devil's Cliffs), narrowest point of the Saal Defile. From the cliff to the river's edge is just 22 meters at this point, paced off in person by your Editor.


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