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 Post subject: FTW Let the Game Begin!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:24 am 
Today, the Officers and Gentlemen of the Union and the Confederacy received their final set of instructions from the FTW Administrators.

Then they were herded into their closed Conventions where, over the next three weeks, they will hold secret meetings to elect new goverments; forge new military chains of command; assign Officers to field commands; marshal their men and resources; study their maps and formulate Grand Strategies to bring the war to a quick and successful conclusion.

The members of the FTW Campaign Administration have done their part. Now its up to the Players themselves. We wish them the best of luck.

Carry On Gentlemen,

Col. Charles S. Hayes
Copperheads Brigade
2nd Division
1st Corps

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:35 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:00 pm
Posts: 847
Location: Mukilteo, Washington, USA - 25 miles north of Seattle
<font face="Andale Mono"><font size="4"><font color="pink">Mr. Hayes Suh! <salute>

Charles, it is soo nice that a former gamer such as yourself has stepped forward to take the lead on this very important gaming tool of the Club. Seems a shame that you don't have enough time during the month to get in at least one battle turn to stay active! I guess AoA's loss is the FTW's gain! LOL!

<font color="beige">Charles, when that day comes, be sure to look me up, I could use an olde hand like yourself! Keep up with the good work that you do!</font id="beige">


</font id="pink"></font id="size4"></font id="Andale Mono">

<font color="orange"><font size="4">Nick Kunz
Confederate States of America</font id="orange"></font id="size4">

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:58 am 
Gen. Kunz, Sir.

Thank you for your kind words. In all honesty, my current involvement with the FTW Campaign Project developed out of my fondness for the Battlefield Reports, Dispatches and Newspaper Accounts that were filed by the players themselves.

I even started my own account of proceedings with a little short story called Molly's Tale, but then the whole project just seemed to grind to a halt. So basically, I'm just here to find out how things will finally turn out, and to help move things along, if I can.

As for my personal involvement in the club, I'm afraid that my only access to an IBM computer is here in my office, and my employer unaccountably takes a dim view of game play during working hours.

Perhaps someday my situation will change and I will once more be able to lead troops into battle. Until then, I must content myself by living vicariously through the exploits of others.

Carry On Gentlemen,

Col. Charles S. Hayes
Copperheads Brigade
2nd Division
1st Corps

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:33 am 
<font size="3"><b>WHISKEY FEVER STRIKES DOWN PRESIDENT!</b></font id="size3">
Vice President calls Congress into Special Session

Washington D.C.

The State Department has now confirmed earlier reports that President Simon MacBeth collapsed Friday night while attending a gala reception in Georgetown for the ladies of the Sanitation Commission.

According to State Department spokesman, Harvey Linkbottom, the President has now been moved to a local Army Hospital, where his condition is listed as 'very grave'.

Interviews with attendees at the reception indicate that our beloved President may only be the latest victim of Whiskey Fever, the dreadful scourge which has swept across our war torn country for the past eleven months.

So named because the early symptoms; dizzyness, slurred speech, and irratic behavior, mimic the affects of alchohol intoxication, Whiskey Fever has claimed thousands of lives since the first known outbreak in Boston in September 1860.

There is no known cure for the fever, which may last for days, weeks or months. And even those who recover, may suffer permanent mental impairment. Whiskey Fever is also no respector of position, title or station, striking down the highest and lowest born in equal numbers.

It has taken a devestating toll on our leaders in the government and the military in recent months, which may have prompted acting President Zuelsdorff to immediately call for a special session of the Legislature to form a new Cabinet, and to seek new commissions to replace our striken Officers in the field.

The lights of the Whitehouse were seen to be burning brightly through the night, as a constant stream of riders and carriages arrived and departed.

With rumors of an imminent attack by the Confederates on everyone's lips, this reporter hopes that Presidential Zuelsdorff will rise to the occasion, and lead a weary but grateful nation from this, our darkest hour.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:14 am 
<b><font size="3">IS WHISKEY FEVER GOD'S JUDGEMENT AGAINST THE NORTH?</font id="size3"></b>
Speech by prominent Evangelist rallies local residents.

Chattanooga, Tennessee
Last night, a standing room only crowd at the Lord's Chappel Christian Church on Mountainview Road was exhorted by the right reverend August Fallway of Atlanta, Georgia not to give in to despair over the recent fall of Nashville to the Army of Northern Aggression.

"God has heard our prayers" said Reverend Fallway, "and He will deliver us out this trial, just as He delivered Moses and His chosen people out of Egypt."

"There are signs aplenty, for those with eyes to see, that God, in His infinite mercy, has joined us in our rightgeous cause. Look to the scourge of Whiskey Fever that He has placed on our enemys. Surely there is no clearer proof that our treacherous enemy works against the divine will of the Almighty."

As for the fall of Nashville, the Reverend said, "This is not a sign of the end, my friends, but a sign of the treachery and debauchery of our enemies. I tell you now that what has been lost, will surely be regained for God Himself has ordained that, in the end, good shall surely triumph over evil. And those who now cause us to suffer, shall surely suffer themselves a thousand fold."

"Be comforted my brothers and sisters, that no matter the cost, the final Victory will be ours," he continued, "because our cause is just and rightgeous in the eyes of the Lord, and no Army of vile cutthroats, carpetbaggers and degenerates from the north, can ever hope to stand against us."

"We must gird our loins and become as like an Army of Davids, and slay the heathen Goliaths who presently trod our sacred soil, and send them back to the infernal depths from which they came."

At the conclusion to the Reverend's remarks, the crowd rose as one in a thunderous ovation. The service concluded with a public singing of Dixie and the Bonnie Blue Flag, led by Sister Shirley Willis and the Lord's Chappel Choir.

The Revival will continue every night at 6:30 until Friday. Offerings will be accepted at the door.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:59 am 
General moved to Army Hospital for treatment.

Washington, D.C.
A State Department spokesmen at the Whitehouse has confirmed reports that General Franklin DiNola collapsed yesterday, following a meeting with acting President Zuelsdorff.

The General was then transported to the Army Hospital, where his condition is listed as "very grave". Doctors at the hospital refused the speculate about the cause of General DiNola's condition, stating only that he is being treated for a high fever.

The President's press office issued a statement earlier this morning, asking for the Nation to keep General DiNola in its prayers, and expressed hope for his quick and complete recovery.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:07 am 
<font size="3"><b>CAPITAL MOURNS PASSING OF GENERAL DINOLA</b></font id="size3">

Washington, DC
This morning doctors at Army Hospital here in Washington confirmed that General Franklin DiNola passed away last evening at 8:30 pm.

The General, who had collapsed following a meeting with President Zuelsdorff on Sunday afternoon, was being treated at Army Hospital, for what had been guardedly described as a 'high fever'.

At the time of his passing, the late General was surrounded by friends and family. Hospital orderly Otis Glingmore, who was present at the time, described the General's passing in this way.

"Well, he was, the Genl' I mean, kind of in and out of it because of that blistering high fever he had. But then, just before the end, he sort of roused up a bit. I remember that at one point he opened up his eyes, looked around room, and whispered, "Jesus, who cut the cheese?" Then he sorta sniffed the air a bit and said, "Oh, sorry." Then he closed his eyes, and he was gone."

Close friend, Colonel Albert Boatswain said that the loss of General DiNola was a real blow to the Union cause, but added that, "Somehow, I get the feeling that he is still with us somehow, watching over us from above."

As transporation out of the city is not possible at this time, a brief service for the late General DiNola will be held at the Presbryterian Church on State Street beginning at 10:00 on Saturday morning.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:25 pm 

The end of the FTW Reorganization Phase is close at hand, and the Players and Administrators are working very hard to have everything in place by the October 16th deadline.

Between the end of the Reorganization Phase and the FTW Campaign Restart, Players will be given an opportunity to study and comment on version 4.1 of the new and improved FTW Players Guide and Manual. In addition to providing easy reference for every facet of the traditional game, the Manual will also introduce a wholly revamped and streamlined economic engine that will track men, weapons, supplies and fortifications over the entire theater of the Civil War.

During that week, Presidents Zuelsdorff and Hinkle will also begin work on General Orders that will set in motion events that will shape the destiny of men and rewrite the history of the War of the Rebellion.

Carry On Gentlemen,

Col. Charles S. Hayes
Copperheads Brigade
2nd Division
1st Corps

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:32 am 
<font size="3"><b>GENERAL UBALDI DROWNED OFF CAPE HATTERAS</b></font id="size3">
Army guarded about circumstances surrounding the General's death.

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
General Isacco Ubaldi was drowned yesterday afternoon in, what Army Officials have described as, 'a tragic boating accident'.

Details are unaccountably scarce about the nature of the incident which took the life of General Ubaldi. Officials have even refused to disclose the name or type of vessel that the General was traveling in when the accident occured, adding to speculation about unusual activity off the North Carolina coast.

Local fishermen have reported sighting unusual objects at sea for the past several months. However, the Government insists these reports are merely the result of overactive imaginations, or the influence of John Barleycorn. Local fisherman insist that the objects they've seen are real and many have refused to cast their nets beyond the sight of land.

With the death of General Ubaldi, there's little doubt that the speculation about what may be moving in the waters off our coast will only intensify.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:15 pm 

In a major scoop, this newspaper can dispel rumors that President Macbeth is unable to resume his duties because of 'Whiskey fever'. In fact, a telegram from our Shanghai bureau makes it clear that the President is suffering from the far more serious 'Yellow Fever', a disease characterized by watery eyes, trembling hands and an unsteady shuffle, which is believed to be caused by paying too much attention to the charms of the local females.

Our medical expert, Theodore B Blagowicz, tells us that 'Yellow Fever' has no known cure. 'It's very sad,' he said. 'The President was doing a fine job in leading his country to victory over the rebels, and now this. It is well known that the girls over there can have this effect on honest, upstanding Americans. The President should have been properly advised.'

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:24 am 
<font size="3"><b>LETTERS TO THE EDITOR</b></font id="size3">

Dear Editor:

In response to the article "GENERAL UBALDI DROWNED OFF CAPE HATTERAS", I wanted to take this opportunity to forestall any rumors about 'Unidentified Floating Objects' off the coasts.

To reveal details of scientific experiments currently underway would only reveal our hands to those who would rule over us. However, our citizens can rest assured that our state and national governments continue to work together to explore new and more effective means of controlling the waters along our coastal waterways.

David Mallory,
Missouri State Governor &
CSA Secretary of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:07 am 
<font size="3"><b>PRESIDENTIAL HOAX!!</b></font id="size3">
Washington rocked by body double scandal!!

Washington, D.C.
Government officials in Washington were visibly shaken by a report published yesterday in the Northern Newshound that the man who collapsed during a reception for the ladies of the Sanitation Commission on September 29th was not President Simon MacBeth, but was, in fact, a secret service body double, named Ernie Slackmeyer.

The Newshound also revealed that President MacBeth has in fact been in Shanghai, China, for some time, holding secret negotiations with the Chinese Emperor. According to the Newshound, President MacBeth has since contracted Yellow Fever, and may not be fit to return to the United States for the forseeable future.

State Department spokesman, Arlen Radcliff stated that the Government deeply regretted the Newshound's decision to publish the story. "They have published facts, which we would have rather kept out of the press. This information only aids our enemys and does not change the fact that acting President Zuelsdorff has now assumed the responsibility for leading our great country through these dark and perilous times."

Officials at Army Hospital in Washington, have confirmed the identity of Mr. Slackmeyer, and say that there has been no improvement in his condition since he arrived on the 29th.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:12 am 
<b><font size="3">FTW UPDATE</font id="size3"></b>

The FTW Administration regrets the current delay for the end of the Reorganization Phase. Please be advised that we are working very hard to iron out the last remaining details of the FTW Players Manual. Once the Administrators have mutually agreed on the content of the Manual, we will make it available to the Players and allow them a period of time to absorb its contents. It is our sincere hope that, once completed, the Manual will provide FTW Players with everything they'll need to know to proceed with their plans to bring this bloody rebellion to a swift and successful conclusion.

Again, we appologize for the delay, and hope to have the information you require very shortly.

Carry On Gentlemen,

Col. Charles S. Hayes
Copperheads Brigade
2nd Division
1st Corps

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:08 pm 
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<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by notso</i>
<br />Gentlemen,

I have it on good authority that the army in which my icon resides has just undergone a change of command ceremony.

Lt. Col. Larry (Notso) Quick
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Col. Quick,

Are you saying some lucky officer can actually shoot your icon or -- better yet -- leave it for the enemy to capture [:D] ?

Your humble servant,
Gen 'Dee Dubya' Mallory

David W. Mallory
ACW - General & President-elect (outgoing Chief of the Armies, Confederate States of America) & Cabinet Member
CCC - Ensign, Georgia Volunteers, Southern Regional Department, Colonial American Army

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:23 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 8:45 am
Posts: 248
Location: Australia
Some few hundreds of yards to the East of Frederick lies a short, wooded hill. Young lieutenant Benjamin MacAlpine clicked shut his telescope.

"Quickly, now, sergeant, get the men mounted. We need to alert Washington that the Rebels seem to be retreating. That's Whitehead's and Tisdale's columns converging on Frederick."

The lieutenant paused, thinking to himeself. 'Perhaps we need to wait a bit further back, just in case these Rebels set up camp...'

He finds a piece of paper from his saddlebag and writes quickly. "Sergeant! I want your best rider to take this to Washington - report to Gen Meuleveld that the Rebel Generals Whitehead and Tisdale are in Frederick at this hour!"

Using the hill as cover the rider sprints off. More leisurely, the small column of 30 scouts follow, angling towards more cover and the larger hills in the near distance. The lieutenant knew his ground - from that height, with his trusty telescope, he'd be able to tell just what was actually happening at Frederick - Washington would need all the information that could be gleaned from such a vantage point.

Maj Gen Mark Oakford
Cmdr XVIII Corps
Army of the James

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