I think you'll like it. Depending on the subject, I'm not always "into" documentary-type writings like this one, but the writing style is so good you almost "forget" that it is what it is.
I might have to join that trust. Sickened me to find out that the Manassas and Chancellorsville battlefields (among others) are pretty much "gone" now, thanks to urban sprawl.
I definitely plan to go back and visit some places, though. As a kid, I made it to Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Atlanta/Stone Mtn, Chattanooga, Chickamauga, and Petersburg. Would LOVE to get to Chancellorsville, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Sharpsburg, and Shiloh, among others, and then go to Charleston to see the Hunley, and while on the coast go to Ft. Sumter (and Ft. Wagner if it's still there). As far as the 'interesting tidbit' list, I had no idea that Stonewall Jackson's arm is (allegedly) buried in a cemetery in Chancellorsville...and there were a few other items mentioned that made me go, "Hmmmmm....."
_________________ BG David McWaters ANV 7/2/II Corps 18th Alabama Infantry Sharpshooters 