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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:21 pm 
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Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:12 pm
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Guys. I’ve played the Getting Started Scenario and Hougoumont Historical (Waterloo). I like Hougoumont H ‘cause it’s only 10 turns. Also, getting into the famous castle is a good time limit. Should i try something else to whet my bayonet?

Like the title says, i suck.

Everything out there is either a firehose or it’s a “Click here to start”. Even the introductory posts are too much! I just want a solid foundation that i can build on.

The Getting Started Scenario even says to fire in column ‘cause it’s powerful. But i thought you want to be in line formation?

Do i break up my light infantry into skirmishers and have them become cannon fodder? But then i lose TONS of men and VPs.

I get that i have to play and learn by getting my hand burned. “Okay, Tony. Don’t fire uphill into a stack that’s in an orchard.” But are there ANY basics on how to advance without it always saying “Advantage Defender”?

I can’t even find a YouTube video that just shows me what are the common sense things i should do. I would love a, “Make sure you do 1, then 2, then 3,” post.

I just want to be a LITTLE competent without getting destroyed every game. I try different things, but the Allies offer me a plate and i see that my ass is always on it! lol If there is a post, or link, please, let me know! I’m tired of dying!

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:24 pm 
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I would add, i come from playing Panzer Campaigns. Maybe i'm used to acting like a bull in a china shop? I dunno :-(

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:54 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:55 am
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Not sure if we have something really compact out there because this engine is just more complicated then most other Tiller engines, that is why any explanations are usually rather large.

For example the introduction to this series, originally a post post blog on WDS, here as a 95 pages pdf: ... attles.pdf

There are also videos by WDS but then again taking them all you got a lot to watch:

In the end for the latest patch level with the new OR that allows pushing skirmishers there is surely no other way then trying it out.

Général Christian Hecht
Commandant en Chef de la Grande Armée
Comte et Chevalier de l'Empire


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:24 pm 
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Christian Hecht wrote:
Not sure if we have something really compact out there because this engine is just more complicated then most other Tiller engines, that is why any explanations are usually rather large.

For example the introduction to this series, originally a post post blog on WDS, here as a 95 pages pdf: ... attles.pdf

There are also videos by WDS but then again taking them all you got a lot to watch:

In the end for the latest patch level with the new OR that allows pushing skirmishers there is surely no other way then trying it out.

I was afraid of that answer. I think the key is, i’m gonna need to change my attitude.

Even as i get spanked, i am having fun. Every move and interaction between hexes is different from one to the other. I’m picking it up…just slowly.

I guess i wanted something simple. There is something inside one of those pages that shows the perfect line. But that would be on a flat field with the enemy coming to you.

I guess i gotta do what everyone has done: not quit. Again, it is fun. The knowledge WILL get there, eventually. I wish there was maybe, like, a flowchart or mind map or something. “If the conditions are A, B, or C, got D (unless E is present).” It wouldn’t be perfect, but it would be nice.

I don’t think the hobby’ll go away with all you O.G.s who have been playing for years. I’m new to the scene. About 2 years in. I was playing GMT games and then came across WDS/JT. But if we want new blood and money to keep buying these games, i wish there was a way to “level up”.

Sorry for the rant! But thanks for the response. When i learn this system, maybe that’ll be my contribution, a SUGGESTED Flow Chart.

Merci vous !

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:48 pm 
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Christian Hecht wrote:
Not sure if we have something really compact out there because this engine is just more complicated then most other Tiller engines, that is why any explanations are usually rather large.

For example the introduction to this series, originally a post post blog on WDS, here as a 95 pages pdf: ... attles.pdf

There are also videos by WDS but then again taking them all you got a lot to watch:

In the end for the latest patch level with the new OR that allows pushing skirmishers there is surely no other way then trying it out.

Just wanted to put out that someone suggested to me something that is absolutely working!

I was told to try The Final Struggle.

Made sense! Mius ‘43 is still one of the most fun games ever, and it got me into Panzer Campaigns. If the PzC free demo could hold my hand and get interested, why wouldn't the Napoleonic one do the same?

It did! I didn't even KNOW you could break up cavalry. WOW. Game changer.

Now, i just gotta put some hours in against the AI, then i'll be ready to get smoked by all you wonderful people lol

Thanks, guys!

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 3:11 am 

Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:46 pm
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Hi Tony,
To start with the basics, I think there’s no way around this—you have to read the manual from start to finish.

I had extensive experience with this engine over 10 years, but when I returned to NWC after an 8-year absence, I re-read the manual at least three times before things started to settle in my head.

Even now, after completing close to a thousand PBEM turns, I still refer to it as I go.

This game offers so much depth that it will take time to master. But once you reach a certain level of understanding, and marching, toorps deployment, and actions happen in a controlled way as you planned them, you will enjoy it tremendously.

General-Leytenant Alexey Tartyshev
Leib-Guard Preobrazhensky Regiment (Grenadier Drum)
1st Brigade
Guard Infantry Division
5th Guard Corps

(I don't play with with ZOC kills and Rout limiting ON)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 1:09 pm 
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Alexey Tartyshev wrote:
Hi Tony,
To start with the basics, I think there’s no way around this—you have to read the manual from start to finish.

I had extensive experience with this engine over 10 years, but when I returned to NWC after an 8-year absence, I re-read the manual at least three times before things started to settle in my head.

Even now, after completing close to a thousand PBEM turns, I still refer to it as I go.

This game offers so much depth that it will take time to master. But once you reach a certain level of understanding, and marching, toorps deployment, and actions happen in a controlled way as you planned them, you will enjoy it tremendously.

Hey Alexey!

Like Général Christian Hecht said, there’s that great, 95 page list of blog posts that eases you into the full rules. Which is still A LOT.

Oh, wow. I just realized YOU wrote it. Great job! Even that says, and i’m paraphrasing, “Look at the manual.”

One thing that’s good about me being “new” to the hobby (wargaming 10ish years; went digital just 2 years ago) is that i’m experiencing this as a newbie. Maybe in a year or two i can write a post about Wargaming For Newbies.

As we all play with Fog Of War, i STILL make the simple mistake of selecting a unit, moving up four hexes, then clicking on the next unit, bringing my entire FIRST unit back to where it came from! So embarrassing. But that’s what it’s about. Putting your time in and hearing less and less of that “BLONG” sound the system makes when i make a mistake. That sound was getting on my nerves (i know you can turn it off, but i like the negative feedback) but after every play, i learn and learn more.

Thanks again, Alexey! Great posts! Chapeau! Gonna print the manuel now to save me from going between screens.

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 6:43 pm 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 10:18 am
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I would stick with playing more field battles to get going with the series. Hougomont was really a bad place to attack. It sucked in the BEST field division that the II Corps had. Might be the best division in the army, aside from the French OG division.

I would try playing a similar sized scenario in the game that has less fortifications.

An aside: Hougomont sucked me in too when I first played Wellington's Victory by SPI long ago back in the 1970s. Its just a huge "troop magnet." Capturing it was not really necessary in order to win that side of the battle line. Its the same in Austerlitz where you have a chateau on the Allied left. Beating the army is the key in these games. Not taking hard points.


Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Prinz Peters von Dennewitz

3. Husaren-Regiment, Reserve-Kavallerie, Preußischen Armee-Korps

Honarary CO of Garde-Ulanen Regiment, Garde-Grenadier Kavallerie

NWC Founding Member

For Club Games: I prefer the Single Phase mode of play. I prefer to play with the following options OFF:

MDF, VP4LC, NRO, MTD, CMR, PR, MIM, NDM, OMR (ver 4.07)

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:16 am 

Joined: Tue May 29, 2001 9:12 am
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Certainly read the manuals and all the material at WDS and here and at the Blitz. If you can bear to.

I started with Napoleonics then moved to PzC. Both seem difficult at first. In fact the latter is still difficult for me but I couldn't face reading all that manual. My advice is jump into PBEM and learn as you go along. An understanding opponent will point out where you are going wrong rather than just take advantage of you.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:50 am 
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Care for a friendly maneuver game, sir?

Copie conforme,
Colonel N. Ferry
Prince de Bénévent
27ème Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
1ère Brigade, 2ème Division
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 10:17 am 
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Nicholas Ferry wrote:
Care for a friendly maneuver game, sir?

Dude, i would love that!

I was hoping someone would offer me a game. And, please. WHOOP me. Just some criticism about my play and an explanation of what i should have done would be dope. Just a sentence or two when we exchange our PBEMs.

Anyway, i’ll DM now and we can chat more.

Thank you for your kindness and extending a welcome. Plus, why wouldn’t anyone want to play a guy that’ll get them an easy dub? :frenchlol:



Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 10:58 am 
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Bill Peters wrote:
I would stick with playing more field battles to get going with the series. Hougomont was really a bad place to attack. It sucked in the BEST field division that the II Corps had. Might be the best division in the army, aside from the French OG division.

I would try playing a similar sized scenario in the game that has less fortifications.

An aside: Hougomont sucked me in too when I first played Wellington's Victory by SPI long ago back in the 1970s. Its just a huge "troop magnet." Capturing it was not really necessary in order to win that side of the battle line. Its the same in Austerlitz where you have a chateau on the Allied left. Beating the army is the key in these games. Not taking hard points.

I chose Hougomont H because, well, you think Waterloo, you think Hougomont! But more than that, it is an 8 or 12 turn game (fog brain). So i wanted something i can just “grind” and try Plan A, B, and, now, Plan Z :frenchlol:

I’m gonna play a PBEM. A kind man has offered to destroy me and tell me why i suck. Never been more excited to get my ass kicked :frenchlol:

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:04 am 
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Bill Peters wrote:
I would stick with playing more field battles to get going with the series. Hougomont was really a bad place to attack. It sucked in the BEST field division that the II Corps had. Might be the best division in the army, aside from the French OG division.

I would try playing a similar sized scenario in the game that has less fortifications.

An aside: Hougomont sucked me in too when I first played Wellington's Victory by SPI long ago back in the 1970s. Its just a huge "troop magnet." Capturing it was not really necessary in order to win that side of the battle line. Its the same in Austerlitz where you have a chateau on the Allied left. Beating the army is the key in these games. Not taking hard points.

Yeah. I don’t regret playing Hougomont H, but it is for advanced players. For someone like me? I was just sending men to their slaughter, losing TONS of men for two VP hexes that STILL lead to Minor French defeat.

But, yeah, when i play my opponent, i’m gonna let him pick the game and scenario. Which reminds me, i need to message him now!

Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:43 am 
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I can assure you sir, there will be no beating up on, or destroying of any kind. My intention is an instructive maneuver game for the benefit of all of France!

Copie conforme,
Colonel N. Ferry
Prince de Bénévent
27ème Régiment d'Infanterie Légère
1ère Brigade, 2ème Division
1er Corps d'Armée

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 12:35 pm 
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Nicholas Ferry wrote:
I can assure you sir, there will be no beating up on, or destroying of any kind. My intention is an instructive maneuver game for the benefit of all of France!

Thanks, everyone! N. Ferry has taken me under his wing. After our first move at Quatre Bras, look at the attached image. That is the amazing, email he sent me!

Again, thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome.

With people like Colonel N. Ferry, i should be up and running in just a year's time!


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Sous-Lieutenant Tony Hernandez
1ère Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Artillerie Divisionnaire, 1ère Division, 5ème Corps d'Armée

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