Alexey Tartyshev wrote:
Hi Tony,
To start with the basics, I think there’s no way around this—you have to read the manual from start to finish.
I had extensive experience with this engine over 10 years, but when I returned to NWC after an 8-year absence, I re-read the manual at least three times before things started to settle in my head.
Even now, after completing close to a thousand PBEM turns, I still refer to it as I go.
This game offers so much depth that it will take time to master. But once you reach a certain level of understanding, and marching, toorps deployment, and actions happen in a controlled way as you planned them, you will enjoy it tremendously.
Hey Alexey!
Like Général Christian Hecht said, there’s that great, 95 page list of blog posts that eases you into the full rules. Which is still A LOT., wow. I just realized YOU wrote it. Great job! Even that says, and i’m paraphrasing, “Look at the manual.”
One thing that’s good about me being “new” to the hobby (wargaming 10ish years; went digital just 2 years ago) is that i’m experiencing this as a newbie. Maybe in a year or two i can write a post about Wargaming For Newbies.
As we all play with Fog Of War, i STILL make the simple mistake of selecting a unit, moving up four hexes, then clicking on the next unit, bringing my entire FIRST unit back to where it came from! So embarrassing. But that’s what it’s about. Putting your time in and hearing less and less of that “BLONG” sound the system makes when i make a mistake. That sound was getting on my nerves (i know you can turn it off, but i like the negative feedback) but after every play, i learn and learn more.
Thanks again, Alexey! Great posts! Chapeau! Gonna print the manuel now to save me from going between screens.